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Do coaching badges and past playing experience matter?

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Hi all.

I've started 2 new savers recently and was just wondering how important coaching badges and past playing experience are? I know of course they impact the management attribute points but I'm not sure just how important they are either.

The 2 saves I have started recently, one with Everton in the PL and a Hungarian 2nd division team expected to finish in the top 5 (board and media expectation) and I'm doing pretty poor with both of them. I'm 18th with Everton 10/11 games in, and 15th with the Hungarian team 8/9 games in, and I've already had the 'pressure piled on manager' inbox messages for the Hungarian team. In both I have put the coaching badges to the automatic ones for the club level, but playing experience I have put at Sunday league level for both. I was just wondering if this actually matters, and hurts player support, morale, etc..., which then impacts performance, and then the cycle it goes around and around until I'm sacked, or if its just that my tactics and understandings of them is what my big problem is and if I had the right tactics the lack of past playing experience wouldn't really matter.

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I believe it was connected to reputation and therefore affects player morale and support to manager.

It's important at the start of the save. Once you start winning on your own and build relationships with players it doesn't matter that much.

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It also matters attribute-wise. Your attributes improve as you earn more badges, so starting with none puts you with 1s and 2s in all categories.

But yeah, it also makes it more difficult to start because your players just won't take you seriously.

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Both are very important. They improve your attributes and prestige, so you'll be more effective in training and in board/player interactions. Also, they improve your stars which is a close proxy of the type of clubs that will be willing to offer you a job. All of this takes time, you won't see dramatic differences in just one season.

Edited by phd_angel
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