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Verify Rules vs Test Competition - different outcome


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This is confusing and a prove that Pre-game editor needs big changes.

This my file for Croatian Lower Leagues.

There should be 16 teams in thisleague. There are 4 lower leagues and thier champions should play a playoff round and two club should be promoted.

When trying to Verify the Rules, I'm getting the error message for wrong number of teams at the end of the first season. Only 14 clubs found.

But, if you go to Test Competitions section, there is a different story. Three season test done with no problems.


So, I have done something wrong with the rules. Or not? I'm not sure. Editor not sure as well.



Edited by crooy3
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How exactly does it work? Upload the file maybe?

My guess is that there's something in the league that's dependent on the division above/below. Veryifying tests 1 league at a time, it has to since some people may not play with the lower leagues. While when testing it can simulate multiple leagues at once. So eg. there may be something in the 4th division that only works correctly if the 5th division is also running. That will fail verification, but could work fine when testing if you're also testing the 5th division.

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