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Player positions could make much more sense

ceefax the cat

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As things stand, a player can be a natural wingback but clueless at fullback or on the wing, a natural ballwinning MC who has no idea how to play DM, a natural deep lying forward who doesn't know what an AMC is, etc etc etc. It makes no sense, doesn't remotely reflect reality and massively restricts the user's ability to change between systems once they've built a squad, not to mention vastly reducing scouting options.

Positions should be expressed more as a heatmap, with players preferring to play in certain zones and do certain jobs, with their 'suitability' declining as you get further from their preferred zone. A natural wingback would automatically have some aptitude for playing at fullback or on the wing, and might have some inkling of how to be a carrilero. A natural AMC would automatically be assumed to have at least some ability to do a playmaking job starting from the wing, or from MC, or to play as a false 9, as long as they're operating generally in that zone behind the striker. The degree of versatility would obviously vary from player to player and be influenced by their attributes (a DMC who's good in the air would be more inclined to play DC etc) but, just as in real life, it would always be a sliding scale according to how well any given role fits his natural game.

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