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Tweaks to the preset 4-3-3 DM wide Gegenpress to make it less OP?

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So, I want to play with something very close to the preset 4-3-3 DM wide Gegenpress (see pic below). Because I love how it looks in the match engine. All other tactics I have tried look ugly and/or boring to me subjectively, and at the moment I am not interested in trying out other types of tactics.


My main issue with the preset 4-3-3 DM Gegenpress is that it is too OP.


For a long time I have insisted on only using preset tactics as part of my many save restrictions. In order to try and avoid massive overachievement.


However, I think now is the time to try tweaking this preset tactic. It could limit me too much not to tweak. Although I basically would prefer to avoid it. I have little interest in tactics and would gladly stick to the preset 4-3-3 DM wide Gegenpress if it wasn't too OP.


So, what to do? I would think that the thing to do is to tweak 1-5 of these five parameters out of possession:

- Trigger press ("More often" or "Slightly more often" instead of the preset setting "Much more often")

- Defensive line. Lower it from the preset "Higher" setting to "Standard".

- Defensive Line, switch off the preset "Step up more" setting (on the right of the screen)

- Line of Engagement. Lower it to "Mid block", not the highest "High press" line.

- Switch off the "Prevent short GK distribution" option (upper right part of screen)


As implied above, I would prefer to make as few tweaks as possible on the above mentioned four paramaters. I would like my tactic to look and feel as much as the preset 4-3-3 DM as possible. But without the tactic being too OP.


Any input as to which tweaks I should go for? I could of course try out all sorts of combinations of tweaks to 1-5 of the mentioned five parameters. But it could take an eternity to try out many different variants. Some of you experienced heads in here probably have some knowledge regarding which tweaks should be among my main priorities to try out.



Edited by danej
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One thing to try is to change your BBM and CAR both to CM-Support and your DLP - to DM. Change your BPD to CD. 

I think the more specialised roles comes with more PIs issued as standard. When I look at the scout reports I very rarely see the AI use specialised roles like MEZ and CAR. I am running a Man Utd save myself with basic roles with no added PIs and it is a tougher ride. Only finished 5th and we were terrible in some matches, just like Man Utd in real life.

I get the feeling that the PIs are the edge us users get - I am not too sure how the AI can use anything not programmed into the default roles without a mass of programming. It will be interesting to see the range of roles used by the AI. I do see the BWM and IF and IW but have never really see the really specialised ones.

In short, I would limit the roles to the ones the AI seems to play through the scout reports with no added PIs

Edited by jcafcwbb
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