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Additional options during contract discussions


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There needs to be more options when discussing potential contracts with your squad. I don't mean during the actual contract negotiation, but the interactions when a player wants a new contract. The current options are to cave in and give the player what they want, or tell them to get lost. There might be various options to click, but if you're not giving the player a new deal, they all seem to have the same result. The different options are also generic, they don't have any relation to the information the game has available. There needs to be some options that take into account the player's current salary and contract length, what other players in the squad are earning etc.

It is not possible to let a player know you won't be extending their contract until I think 6 months before expiry. If, with a year to go, you could have a convo with a player informing him that you do not intend on extending their stay at the club, it would prevent a lot of the instances of players wanting new deals

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