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More than 50 competitions in a single division level


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Hi there!

I have a question. I've created a fantasy league below the original competitions in The Netherlands with regional compeititions

Season 1
Tier 1 - 18 teams (as usual)
Tier 2 - 20 teams (as usual) - 0 relegations
Tier 3 - 4 competitions with 10 groups each + 7 competitions with 5 groups each + 1 competition of 1 league. 60 promotions to new tier 3.
Amount of groups of tier 3: 76

Season 2 and further
Tier 1 - 18 teams (as usual)
Tier 2 - 20 teams (as usual) - 6 relegations
Tier 3 - 1 competition of 60 teams split into 3 groups - 6 promotions (2 per group) and 12 relegations (4 per group)
Tier 4 - 12 competitons (1 per province) with unlimited teams split into groups of max 20 teams per group. - 12 promotions (1 per compeitition, winners of group fight for 1 promotion place)
Amount of groups in tier 4: 70

Everything is working fine, but processing is really slow during match day because of all those groups. It ususally takes me 4 hours on my Game PC to simulate 1 season and 5 hours for the second season. That's why I thought of creating all the leagues myself instead of using a group system to speed things up, but then I bumped into some problems:

1. In season 1, I want to have all 76 leagues into a single tier 3. The way I thought of doing this is setting one parent league and add all the competitions as a child league. Unfortunately, in the advanced editor I can only add 50 child leagues into a single parent league. So that is why I tried to split things into 4 parent leagues. But then...
2. ...I need to make sure that all 4 parent leagues have the same tier level. But when I tried to set up the division levels, I can not enter the same division level for all 4 mother competitions, they will just add +1 to it.
3. I tried to solve this by adding 1 parent competition for the 4 parent comeptitions to create a single one, but then I get an error that parent competitions can't have parent competitions...
4. Also, I can only select 1 division for relegation purposes. But In fact I have 4 parent competitions they they need to select...

Also, I need to use the advanced editon because normal NL-competition has 0 relegation spots in Tier 2, which can only be changed in the Advanced editor...

So my question is: How can I make this work and have 76 leagues in a single tier, and how can I select the whole tier for relegation purposes?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by Badmuts
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