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Set the start date of every league and cup in the world to 2023


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Hello, as the title says I'd like to edit every nation in the world so that every competition start in 2023. I want to start in 2023/2024 season using a custom start date file, and at the sime time I don't want any of the competition to be simulated until then, that's why I'm planning to do this. I've already downloaded some files that add the new reigning champions for the most important leagues, at least. To do this, I'm setting the "Start Year" field in the advanced nation rules to 2023 in every league, but in some countries I've already encountered some problems verifying the files. Is this somewhat feasible? I was thinking of writing a simple script to add the start year line to every file's .xml , but since there is no way to force verify .fmf files without deleting nation's rules (as far as I know) that wouldn't save so much time. I have a lot of free time in the coming weeks so if I sort out these problems I can release the updated leagues, in case anyone is interested. Thank you in advance and sorry for my English

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