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New League Structure - Error with number of teams in advanced editor


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HI! I`m tryng to create a 3 divisions league structure 

First division 20 teams, second 20 and third 16

For some reason I dis something that keeps me telling "ERROR" cause I have 40 in the first division and 36 in de second one. 

I attach here my .fmf file and screenshots


(it's a special project for me. I want to create a South American League with the best teams BUT all the South American players playing abroad return to his original clubs. Messi in Newells or Luis Suarez in Nacional. So I´ve spent many hours making research and that) 




Captura de pantalla 2023-06-22 a la(s) 14.06.18.png

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-22 a la(s) 14.06.33.png

Cono Sur.fmf Cono Sur.xml

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