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Hi all, 


Really hoping someone here can help me out, I had 2000+ hours on my FM23 save, on steam, and suddenly I could no longer load my save just kept crashing. Tried starting a new save and same again but this time it kept crashing when setting up new database. I verified my files on steam all good there, uninstalled and reinstalled again game kept crashing as same points. Uninstalled and reinstalled steam still no improvement. Even tried it on Epic games still kept crashing at same point. Sent SI a ticket and whilst they were helpful nothing they suggested has worked checking graphic drivers etc. Im not hugely tech savvy but have followed any advice I can find still no improvement has any one else had this issue? If so how did you fix it ?

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A long shot:

If you had it set on a number of rolling saves try loading a previous save to see if it works, I have mine set on 10 saves and to save every week just to be on the safe side. For a bit of overkill my saves are backed up automatically everyday.

I'm sorry if my advice doesn't work and I hope you get it sorted.

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If you have a lot of files added to the game like facepacks, edited database etc then remove all of them and try to launch your save file. If that works then start adding back your extra files one after the other you may find the faulty one or they might all work again for no apparent reason. At least that is how I've solved these kind of problems 

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