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Improvements without which new versions of FM are impossible


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The development team is doing a lot to improve the game. But many really important moments remain only in the requests of fans. And I'm not talking about requests for the opportunity to spend a manager's salary or design a stadium. I'm talking about really important things. FM is primarily about football, about tactics.

Below I will list the points that need to be changed so that the game becomes an order of magnitude more realistic and is as close as possible to what is happening inside football.

*many items will concern AI, since, in my opinion, this is the most important problem.


1. Sponsorship

In every career, I observe the same situation: sponsorship income almost always remains at a negligible level. I can win championship after championship, take the Champions league. And at the end of the season I will see that there are no new sponsorship agreements. Why? In reality, it doesn't work that way. People bring money to successful projects themselves. Brands will want their logo on our T-shirts, etc. As a result, when the team becomes very strong, the salaries of the players are very large, then the only option to level the costs is to constantly buy players for the future and resell them. It shouldn't be like this. Selling players should be just one of the main items of expenditure. And, if in the Bundesliga you can not worry about it because of the huge cash payments to clubs from the league itself, then in most other top leagues, you will simply have to live by reselling.

What needs to be changed? It is necessary to rebuild the sponsorship completely, to make clear links with the growth of the club's reputation, star players in the team, with victories in continental cups and in the domestic championship. It would be interesting to introduce the possibility of negotiating new sponsorship deals (a new form from Nike; soda advertising, etc.). Yes, you can wait with brand licenses, it's expensive, but the general idea simply needs to be implemented.

And it is worth noting that in long careers, sponsorship sags a lot even among the grandees of football. If everything is realistic at the start of a career, then after 5 seasons a complete mess is going on.


2. Regens (Newgens)

It is necessary to make them more balanced in skills. Often we see that complete mutants are born. The distribution of skills puts you in a stupor and you don't understand what to do with this player. The most problematic position is FB. Now the game gives birth to either top ones, such as Trent, or absolutely curves. it is very difficult to find an average FB when there are no real players left in the save. For some reason, the game seems to think that the FB should not be able to hang and should not have dribbling.

And, of course, it would be good to change the approach to creating faces. There is a good mod that adds faces generated by a neural network. But the mod is not the easiest to work with, you have to do certain actions every season. It would be a good idea to introduce the generation of faces so newgens will be like a real people. This will increase realism and interest in the long saves.


3. AI Transfers

AI sometimes buys a player for a lot of money and does not let him play and does not rent. As a result, for the next season, he puts it up for transfer for an amount significantly lower than the purchase. In real life if this is happens, then in extremely rare cases. In FM, I see it all the time. In many ways, it's the AI's inability to compose the team. He will take 3 forwards, but not the central defender he needs, and instead put a player with a jump height of 7 in the center of defense.

Because of this, we constantly observe the same picture. AI simply destroys strong clubs. I like to play long careers of 10-20 seasons. And when I leave the club after 10 years (and by this time it has already become the best in the world, has the best infrastructure, world stars, etc.), after I leave, the AI starts selling good players, and takes much weaker players instead. Therefore, after 2-3 seasons, team turns from a top club into an ordinary average team. Or maybe even get kicked out of the major league if there is no normal sponsorship (back to point 1).


4. The cost of players.

It is absolutely unclear how the cost for players is formed. Under AI control, players can be worth hundreds of millions, despite the fact that they play mediocre enough, they do not win anything (and often they lose to my players even by skills). While my players who are constantly breaking records are rated very low. Moreover, during the season, the cost is constantly changing +- 20 -30 million, regardless of how the player plays. At the end of a successful season, the cost usually increases, and in mid-June before the transfer season inexplicably falls. And I see it in every FM version. This greatly affects the feeling of the gameplay. You can also notice the moment that young players who have reached their potential and are worth conditionally 20 million, playing great every season do not start to cost more, which, of course, is absurd. It is necessary to change the algorithms in the evaluation of players, it is impossible to be based only on reputation and potential. It is necessary to follow the real game of football players.

An interesting idea of the innovation was to do something similar to the internal transfermarkt. Where it would be possible to monitor the change in value for all players. This would reflect well the season-by-season value of a particular player depending on how he played the season.


5. Rental request.

AI just pisses you off with the stupidest requests to rent your players. Why not take my one of the main players for free with a stipulated playing time, as a reserve player? And persistently send the same offer every game day. And do not agree even if I request salary compensation of an extra 10%.

You need to evaluate how much and how the player plays. To make AI more compliant, because when they are ready to pay, say, 50 thousand, but 51, well, there is no way! The AI should be willing to pay for important players on your team.


6. Fight for the players.

The manager always has an undeniable advantage over AI, since AI will not enter into a struggle to buy a player outside the transfer window. All top clubs can be interested in a young prodigy from Brazil. My club may be much weaker and the player will be less interested in this transfer. But I'll make him an offer, and the AI won't. Why? Because it's October and the AI doesn't do it outside the transfer window.

It is necessary to change the algorithm of the AI in the transfer market, when it is closed, let them also make offers, this will significantly complicate the game for managers and make it more interesting.


7. Tactical battles

Probably one of the most difficult points to implement. Now it looks like the AI is not adjusting to the manager's game. You can find a successful tactic, assemble a strong team and not change anything else. Never. Success will be ensured from season to season. Yes, sometimes scripts will interfere with your success, but nothing more. This is the big problem of long saves for one team. Too fast ascent to the top and constant domination after 2-3 seasons, if you take an average team.

It is necessary to make an AI...more intelligent. To teach AI to adapt to the opponent's players to their tactics, to use your weaknesses (for example, I have not hight CDs, the AI will use a high targetman).

It would be a great idea if the AI could learn from season to season. For example, the manager wins everyone by one tactic, the AI will adopt this and find an approach to it, and the manager will have to look for new keys to victories.

This is what the game really lacks, namely a real struggle.

Perhaps it is possible to implement several levels of difficulty in order to keep in mind all players and not overestimate the threshold of driving a game for beginners: basic (as it is now), advanced (And uses more tools), real life (AI is not limited).


8. Now the manager has loopholes that would constantly take players in installments. It is necessary to minimize the moment, since it is constantly possible to offer clubs to pay most of the cost for a player after 50 matches played. This is a kind of cheat. I know SI is aware of this, but for some reason they don't change anything.


9. Balance in home and away matches

Now it looks like this factor is one of the most important in the game. Yes, it is important, but not as much as implemented in the game. It's very strange to see when I play with Manchester City at home and beat them 5-0 without a chances. And in the away match a week later, I play with the same team with the same tactics, I just can't do anything for the whole match. It doesn't happen that way. Need to balance this moment.


10. Conversations with the players

It is necessary to make communication with players who are dissatisfied or unreasonably want a new contract more variable. Often you just want to answer the player that there will be no new contract, because you are not playing well. But there is no such option. Often it turns out problems out of the blue, due to the fact that the game does not provide the necessary tools for conflict resolution.


11. Financial moments

An interesting idea would be to introduce the possibility of the club going bankrupt and ceasing to exist. This is not happening now. For example, due to losses, the management decides to liquidate the club with the dissolution of the players and coaching staff.

I also don't really understand how the financial fair play rule works in the game (in my opinion, it doesn't work). It would be good to introduce this so that the relevant clubs are excluded from European competitions.


I hope for the developers and those who oversee this forum!

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