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Not for sale as a option of asking price and many more


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Suggest new feature:

  1. Not for sale as a player asking price, why do all other AI teams can set their players as Not for sale (even if they're really bad, just worth about 100 200k), and human manager cannot do it in anyway?
  2. Quick pick according to squad planner: This is troublesome but, what I want is: I already set the squad planner like so, each position 2-3 players. Quick pick should have an option to pick according to this planner (for example: I don't want Declan Rice constantly being suggest to play CB while a ball winning midfielder being suggested to play as an AP). The team selection advice email almost has no use due to poor suggestions made by assistant coach.
  3. Auto praising/ criticizing button: Why can't we have this. With a threshold, and which type of praising/ criticizing to choose. Manually going through a 25 man squad every Saturday is a nightmare.
  4. Delegate praising/ criticizing to assistant manager: I don't know if praising/ criticizing is human head-coach-feature only or not. But if they're available in AI head coach team, this one should be implemented (with ease)
  5. Heatmaps: FM heat map is unusable, as simple as that.
  6. Cancel shout after a goal: self-explained
  7. Paying for own coaching courses: what's the use of the salary that I've earned?

Suggest adjustment:

  1. Asking price: I found the current player asking price system is somewhat ridiculous.
    • Why can't I set my player asking price to any price that I want without having to deal with player's concern but any other team can do this? This is suppose to be my right; players cannot intervene this/ must show respects toward their club and their contract.
    • The clubs need to pay more respect to human manager asking price, why they're keep sending non negotiable 22m bid for a player with asking price of 75m. I feel like my decision on the asking price has zero effect to other clubs, that's so disappointed.
  2. Resigning contract: Resigning contract cannot happen so often like in the current game, players need to show more respect to their current contract. I had to resign my player twice in 1 year just because I lead the team to promotion and he's got the first international cap.
  3. Loan manager: this role suppose to support human with finding loan for youngster, but no, all they did is rejecting loan bid due to not meet the valuation of the player. They're suppose to follow human instruction: 50% salary playing, 50% salary unplaying; but they keep rejecting, even better bid. They also need to understand tactics to accept/ decline a bid.
  4. Imputed grayed out players: I loaned out most of my U21 squad, so my U18 team players got promoted to U21. Then there's a few left in the U18 squad and we keep losing 10-15 kneels every match although we won the last year U18 South EPL.
  5. Stop auto adding recovery sessions after every match: recovery sessions will always to placed after a match, no matter what, even overloading custom schedules.
  6. Development advice: Why does my HOYD keep asking to promote players with 120 CA into the first team and setting their playing time to squad player just because they've got 2 and half star. My first team player is around 150-160 CA, how can that even be a squad player level?
  7. Board expectation: too many conflicting expectation at the same time. Both entertaining, attacking, possession, and counter attack at the same time, what do I've got to do? Moreover, I've got to challenge for EFL Cup and FA Cup while try to avoid relegation at Championship.
  8. Supporter expectation: you guys need to remove the "The supporters are disappointed that player X didn't play part in the match after showing good form recently/ a good game previously" . That's so non sense, what do the supporters want? Want to bench the whole first XI and keep playing fringe/ squad player the whole season?
  9. Versatility: There's a huge need to recompute about how does versatility influence player's CA, they're contributing way too much. Players need to have a fading mechanic where they'll start unable to play a position anymore.
  10. Nervous: how can my striker with 1m9, 16 strength, 18 bravery, 15 aggression is nervous in a battle with much smaller, much weaker defender???
  11. Proper shouts interaction: I'm so disappointed with in match shouting system to the point that just stop using it after the first save. Eg complacent > focus/ fire up/ demand more > not interested.
  12. AI teams transfer policy: they just don't know how to transfer (sign a big deal > bench him the whole season > sell for half right next summer > do it over again). Things must be improved.
  13. Likes to beat offside traps: for god, pls fix this. There's no player in the game can use this except Haaland and Salah. Without exceptional mental attributes (16+), strikers will be caught offside 5-10 times per match.
  14. Sponsorship and reputation: sponsorship and reputation is growing too low. How can a team winning Europa League get 500k/ season sponsorship and national reputation, lower than most of Championship teams???. There's must be a hit-boom mechanism for sponsorship and reputation.
  15. Players need to start knowing their teammate's height: How can my players keep sending floated crosses toward 1m7 striker in the box? They need to know that there's no use sending that cross if the striker is well marked by 2 CBs.
  16. Direct free kicks conversion: there's too too too few score from direct free kick.
  17. Penalty conversion rate: Penalty conversion rate is weirdly low
  18. Player exchange included in transfer: players included as part of the deal have their value divided by 20 or 30 for some reason. I'll link my reddit post here if you want to know what I mean. I want to also see more player exchange deal made by the computer head coach, although I know that it's very rare even in real life.
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