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Regions... Yikes


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Hi all,

Captain Autistic here once again with another nitpicky question. As much as I like languages, I also find geography and things like that quite interesting. Now looking at the way regions are set up (for clarity I don't mean the local regions, although they're a mess as well) I mean the regions to which you assign countries. I have played around with some of the files and found I could at least edit some of these regions but I have found that my changes don't save. Is there any way I could not only save these edits, but also add more?

I know it's not really a priority for people and I am aware I am probably coming across as quite nitpicky, but I like accuracy and I am just finding the lack of it a little irksome at the moment.

Any help is appreciated

Edited by xbenjaminx
Accidentally double posted the original topic, so changed this to what I was going to post about
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  • xbenjaminx changed the title to Regions... Yikes

Which things did you manage to get edited? Depending on what you did, I might be able to explain why it didn't save, or how to do it differently and to get it saved.

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Hi Wolf,

So as it stands, the name field in regions is available for me to edit. When I change the name the name reverts back to it's original name. A test I tried yesterday was changing the name of the region "Middle East" - I did that but whatever I changed it to wouldn't stick. As soon as I pressed return or moved from the text box it changed straight back. What is interesting however, is in the changelog it shows the changes (under database changes) and also says the change is successful but thats not actually reflective of whats happening.

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I might take a look at that as I am working on some local region setups to help my competition setups.

For that matter, that is why there are so many variants of how local regions are setup, because they are used at the competition level. For the Netherlands I have proposed a while back to replace the province local regions to be replaced with the district setup football uses here. The idea came from how Austria had changed from provinces to districts. Researchers make their chances and while they don't always look logical and make the total data for local regions chaotic, there will likely be a thought behind it. Data completeness is nice (I aim for it whenever possible in my edits), but it needs a reason.

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In regards to regions then I think a lot can be done with it. Like the local regions I tend to delete and replace with counties or provinces anyway as a lot of places have county/province specifc cups and so on. Thankfully editing local regions is an absolute breeze so I make whatever changes I need to and it organises the countries a little bit better. The problem with a lot of the current regions is that the area the regions cover is too broad.

When it comes to the regions like North America, South America, UK & Ireland - I think the problem is the same. There are too few groupings to truly reflect the global diversity, but like with the languages adding them all would be a monumental (but not impossible) task. Again my suggestion would have been to give us the option to add, edit and so on and again through mods we can help better the game. I mean they already let us add cities and local regions so there's no reason just to go those few extra clicks.

I mean I understand not being able to add continents. The number of continents on the planet is unlikely to change for several million years and I doubt Antarctica are going to suddenly start producing football teams, but it would be nice to have a sub menu for confederations or football associations. Personally I've repurposed all the dead countries in the game to include the participants in the Island games as well as adding Catalunya and the ability to add others, but I suppose the issue you've got there would probably come down to licensing.

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I forgot to mention, regions and continents have a language and newgen name function btw. This might be why we can't edit those for a part. Local regions have a name function as well, so you might see some knockon effect if you move or reuse local regions between nations. Adding local regions is never an issue and indeed I do the same, adding them in case they work in a better way.

Problem with the database is as well that it is rather Euro-centric, considering most of the playable (and thus researched) nations are there. So North America and South America are a bit barren compared to Europe (I won't mention Asia, Africa or Oceania....).

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To be honest I don't mind the Eurocentricness but even in Europe the range of cultures is broad and diverse. What you've said about the name and language function sort of makes sense. Though I am looking forward to my new gen from Jersey having a Yugoslav name.

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23 hours ago, xbenjaminx said:

To be honest I don't mind the Eurocentricness but even in Europe the range of cultures is broad and diverse. What you've said about the name and language function sort of makes sense. Though I am looking forward to my new gen from Jersey having a Yugoslav name.

Which region/nation did you reuse for Jersey?

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To be honest, I've renamed every single defunct country in one of my files. I originally had each team as a nation from the Island games as I had the means to do them all. I also added in Catalunya to go alongside the Basque region and reactivated Monaco and the Republic of Crimea. I will re-work that though and change the way they're done potentially so I can implement something similar to some of the ConIFA tournaments. 

Right now, I have completely overhaulded Monaco and given it a custom touch. There's very little information available on football in Monaco, so I am having to use what I can find elsewhere.

Unfortunately though, as I have used other people's work as a base it's not something I could ever release.

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I've got a working Island Games file if you want to poke around that, and separately a Catalan file (incompatible as it uses one of the same extinct nations) where it just functions as an unclickable second nationality (like Basque). In the Island Games file I repurposed the extinct nations too, I'm not entirely sure how it would handle newgens if you activated a league in one of those countries but testing looked promising

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6 hours ago, themodelcitizen said:

I've got a working Island Games file if you want to poke around that, and separately a Catalan file (incompatible as it uses one of the same extinct nations) where it just functions as an unclickable second nationality (like Basque). In the Island Games file I repurposed the extinct nations too, I'm not entirely sure how it would handle newgens if you activated a league in one of those countries but testing looked promising

Your files were the basis for my work. I've downloaded almost everything of yours I could find. Even made my own kits for all the teams in the Island games though I had to use some creative license with them as getting exacts wasn't always possible. Some of the graphics you produced also came in very handy, both in terms of understanding how some of the graphics work and producing my own. The only thing I'll look at when redoing the Island games is how best to maximise the teams usage because it may work out easier to produce these teams as All-Star Teams rather than nations than save the Nations for the ConIFA World Cup instead.

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1 hour ago, xbenjaminx said:

Your files were the basis for my work. I've downloaded almost everything of yours I could find. Even made my own kits for all the teams in the Island games though I had to use some creative license with them as getting exacts wasn't always possible. Some of the graphics you produced also came in very handy, both in terms of understanding how some of the graphics work and producing my own. The only thing I'll look at when redoing the Island games is how best to maximise the teams usage because it may work out easier to produce these teams as All-Star Teams rather than nations than save the Nations for the ConIFA World Cup instead.

All Star teams? Have you got those working in any way? Glad to hear you took some guidance from the international files. And if you don't mind sharing those kits they might be a hit in the Island Games thread, haha I've got a save going with Guernsey using that file and the amazing England level 10 file from the user Lionel Messi here 

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44 minutes ago, themodelcitizen said:

All Star teams? Have you got those working in any way? Glad to hear you took some guidance from the international files. And if you don't mind sharing those kits they might be a hit in the Island Games thread, haha I've got a save going with Guernsey using that file and the amazing England level 10 file from the user Lionel Messi here 

The England database goes down to about level 14 if you get the one off of DanFMDatabase. It's pretty inclusive but of course there is stuff for your own sake you need to contextualise.

As for the kits, they were made using kitbasher and are mostly custom but kept within the themes of the teams. I've used appropriate sponsors for some and all have the correct badges but there are still corrections I had to make. Scrolling through loads of Social Media pages and websites of the various teams to find out the wide range of differences.

I'm reasonably new to football manager, and trying to understand everything in the database and how it all works at the moment so haven't really played around with all star teams. Presently I am trying to work on fixtures for some of my custom leagues but it's not really working the way I want. I'll keep you up to date on how I get on if you like?

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Sounds great. I know the level 10 file available here works well, and covers teams in Wight, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man etc so I don't need much lower. Those kits sound cool. Feel free to post any Qs here or in the editing questions thread. Keep up the good work

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18 minutes ago, themodelcitizen said:

Sounds great. I know the level 10 file available here works well, and covers teams in Wight, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man etc so I don't need much lower. Those kits sound cool. Feel free to post any Qs here or in the editing questions thread. Keep up the good work

Well as long as you have what you need then yeah going lower isn't logical. 

As for questions, the one thing I'm having issue with at the moment is setting up fixtures for a custom league but I will work that out soon enough.

Also included the shirts for Guernsey, Isle of Wight, Jersey and Shetlend

Screenshot 2023-08-10 082205.png

Screenshot 2023-08-10 082218.png

Screenshot 2023-08-10 082307.png

Screenshot 2023-08-10 082317.png

Screenshot 2023-08-10 082337.png

Screenshot 2023-08-10 082346.png

Screenshot 2023-08-10 082355.png

Screenshot 2023-08-10 082404.png

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9 minutes ago, themodelcitizen said:

Wow those are brilliant. Have you taken a bit of creative license or are they pretty close to what teams wore in Guernsey last month?

I've used a combination of wikipedia, google image search and the teams/FA's own social media pages to try and get pics of the shirts. Some of them were more challenging than others, but I have shirts for all the teams that were in the Island games. The hardest was St. Helena because the design is so unique. I also had to make do with the limitations of the kitbasher program. Someone more skilled than me could probably get a lot more accuracy. I also did kits for Monaco, Basque and Catalunya, and have 3D Kits for all of them

Screenshot 2023-08-10 083810.png

Edited by xbenjaminx
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Yeah that's just a screencap of my graphics folder. I have my own seperate folders for the stuff i create and keep it separate from the various graphic packs I download. 

I'll upload the kits in sections - the first batch is non Island games teams.


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