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Match ratings, are defensive errors covered up by passing stats?

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In my current save my team has been struck by a severe case of awful form. Since winning the first 6 league games we are now pushing 15 games without a win and our defensive stats are the worst in the league.

Much is due to my pretty high risk tactics which have backfired big time (but I'm stubborn). But what is confusing me is that my players still receive decent match ratings all the time. In my last match my CB caused two goals against us by creating chaos out of nowhere as he simply contemplated the meaning of life while the opponents could steal the ball in dangerous areas and score easy goals. His rating however remained at 6.80 and the game seemingly did not recognize what he had done.

The only thing my team succeeds at is retaining possession of the ball (around 65% in each game both home and away and against bigger teams), so I wonder if that is affecting my defender's match ratings in such a way that their horrific mistakes are hidden by it?

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The game doesn't take mistakes into account when calculating match performance rating for players. Only when the mistake is directly leading to goal is it taken into account (although in my opinion match engine connects those mistakes to wrong players half of the time). In that regard match engine is rubbish, because it mostly evaluates passing accuracy (+ key passes) and won duels (tackles and headers) percentage) and disregards most of the mistakes.

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17 minutes ago, Draakon said:

The game doesn't take mistakes into account when calculating match performance rating for players. Only when the mistake is directly leading to goal is it taken into account (although in my opinion match engine connects those mistakes to wrong players half of the time). In that regard match engine is rubbish, because it mostly evaluates passing accuracy (+ key passes) and won duels (tackles and headers) percentage) and disregards most of the mistakes.

Ok, that's interesting. In the match in question these mistakes certainly caused the goals. Now I have actually changed my tactics since I'm on the brink of getting sacked and in the last match we at least kept a clean sheet and wasn't overwhelmed in our own penalty area. Meanwhile my CB:s received ratings of just 6.40 and 6.50 (the lowest I've seen all season). Very strange.

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There are times when the game doesn't even recognise mistakes at all. You can see opposition goals coming a lot of the time, there will be a player in your side who keeps trying his best to give the ball away. Eventually he'll do it and they'll score, but the match rating won't go down significantly, sometimes not even at all. If you berate them, they get all shocked and surprised as they have no idea they've done anything wrong.

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8 hours ago, busngabb said:

There are times when the game doesn't even recognise mistakes at all. You can see opposition goals coming a lot of the time, there will be a player in your side who keeps trying his best to give the ball away. Eventually he'll do it and they'll score, but the match rating won't go down significantly, sometimes not even at all. If you berate them, they get all shocked and surprised as they have no idea they've done anything wrong.

Yeah since discipline, moral and squad dynamics feel more important than ever it's crucial to be able to criticize these mistakes. But we can't do that if the player gets a decent performance rating.

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3 ore fa, Vänsterback ha scritto:

Yeah since discipline, moral and squad dynamics feel more important than ever it's crucial to be able to criticize these mistakes. But we can't do that if the player gets a decent performance rating.

I still play fm16 so not sure if it applies. you can criticise a player for mistakes in the post-match team talk. In addition, you can also criticise a player after the match either for the last game, form or training. the ME also recognizes the mistakes which you can see in real-time in the player performance window where it will say "A mistake led to a goal". Penalties conceded and red cards are also considered as mistakes.

you can be very specific in the  player conversation where you can criticise a player for poor passing, finishing, or lack of chances created either in terms of a specific game or more general in terms of a period over the last five matches.

Edited by MBarbaric
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35 minutes ago, MBarbaric said:

I still play fm16 so not sure if it applies. you can criticise a player for mistakes in the post-match team talk. In addition, you can also criticise a player after the match either for the last game, form or training. the ME also recognizes the mistakes which you can see in real-time in the player performance window where it will say "A mistake led to a goal". Penalties conceded and red cards are also considered as mistakes.

you can be very specific in the  player conversation where you can criticise a player for poor passing, finishing, or lack of chances created either in terms of a specific game or more general in terms of a period over the last five matches.

The ME didn't however recognize standing on the ball looking around and ignoring the easy passing options until an attacker steals the ball and scores a goal as any kind of mistake.

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On 06/08/2023 at 06:37, Vänsterback said:

The ME didn't however recognize standing on the ball looking around and ignoring the easy passing options until an attacker steals the ball and scores a goal as any kind of mistake.

In my experience, that's typically poor rendering from the ME not necessarily your player dwelling on the ball all the time.

Hopefully these will be removed or at least more easily rectified with the move to unity in 2025.

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