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The idea behind this thread is that i wanted to create a team that would fit in managers tactical ideas and some of my favourite players i have got to watch. Some players i have had to take a more broad approach towards but ill explain my thought process behind the decisions. The focus is less about making the perfect tactic but more so fitting in as many of my footballing thoughts(?) while it still making sense tactically.



The general structure will be inspired by Peps 3-2-4-1. I want to use JDP and really like a 3-2 base to build up from. However I would also like to use Nagelsmanns ideas of minimum width (there may be other managers that have used minimum width but i found out through reading about Nagelsmann) (ill add a thread from twitter at the end.) It will switch between maximum and minimum width, which i will have to do manually as i have found that player swaps between two players that have Personal Instructions stops working after initial swap.




I like possession based football, i really dislike it when in FM, players just hoof the ball up with no aim. However with the fact that im trying to make a team of players that are quite attacking, ill have to give up a bit of that control. 

In the first phase, as a lot of teams a teams are trying right now, i want to build up in a manner similar to De Zerbi. Short and delayed passes to suck in the opposition and then hit them in the artificial counter attack. 

In the final third, i want to make use of the minimum/maximum width that i have mentioned before.

In terms of chance creations, I want to use influences from the teams of the players i am going to use.



Out of Possession:

I want a geggenpress similar to Klopp but i feel like that requires a more direct approach and is difficult to recreate in FM. But for the sake of adding names to the ideas behind instructions, i am going to mention them for why i am adding counterpress. 

For the pressing structure, I am trying to use the ultra high pressing of the earlier Liverpool Klopp teams and a team that i believe is inspired from Liverpool , Howe's Newcastle( I have not really paid full attention when watching Newcastle but when i do, they have a lot of similarities, again thats imo).

This one is more of an idea that i am thinking of and have not tried applying. Also unsure whether i am going to use it now. I am going to intentionally drop off and reduce pressure so that opposition teams push up and then play rapid,,shorts 1-2's in counter attacking football. I feel like this is what Carlo Ancelotti did in that run to the UCL.  He knew he had higher quality players so he used the threat of transition to maximise his players spaces.


GK= SK(a)    :


This one should be fairly self explanatory as i want an extremely ball playing oriented GK that can play out from the back but also play long accurate passes if necessary. I was thinking of saying Jason Steele of Brighton due to his ball playing ability but that name felt out of place


RCB= WCB(s) :

Reece James 

Truthfully the back 3 are cop out answers but i really liked the way sheffield united had overlapping CB's so this was inspired by that. As a Chelsea fan, Reece is a perfect RB and imo the best in the world (when he's actually available). He is capable of playing in this position however I want him pushing up but not most of the times.


CB=: L(s) or BPD(d)

Thiago Silva

Again, a cop out, i could have put VVD but i am a Chelsea fan so i put TS. Having said that, Thiago Silva still has it all, and i would say at present in terms of technical and defensive ability, TS is slightly better in the present moment however VVD has freakish athletic ability which makes him a scarier prospect of facing (i fully understand if you disagree but this was my opinion.) 

When i used this role in the past with this shape it made him push up next to the DM so this shape is optional.



Levi Colwill

I needed a player that had played under De Zerbi (and he also plays for the chels) but he also has those beautiful passes in behind the half spaces. 


RWB= IWB(a) / CWB(s)

Trent Alexander Arnold

Although i said Reece is the best RB altogether, i have to say offensively, Trent is unbelievable. The two things i think Trent is better at then Reece is his eye for a pass and ball striking (so passing and crossing)



Eden Hazard

Now, this is the biggest cop out answer of the lot and i have even had to switch the side he is playing on but, He is my favourite player ever and no way was i not going to fit him in somehow. Initially i had him in the left half space but due to the shape of the team, i decided to play him here. I never really tried AP(a) in the midfield role before but i tried it recently and it was the first time i have noticed a player roam so much. The reason i used Hazard here and not in the LW slot is because of how he played. He used to do everything for us, and i felt this role perfectly encapsulates what he offered us.  

However, depending on what role i use Trent, the player i envision playing this role changes. If i use Trent as a CWB(s) the AP(a) tends to move into the pivot so i imagine him to be the way Enzo played against Liverpool.


CM= DLP(s)


I pushed him into the midfield role as i found it helps the pressing structure. But in terms of why i chose him, i just think at present, he is the ideal DM.



De Bruyne

As a result of having to switch the two midfield roles, i have to play him down the left. I envisaged the half space demon he is,  whipped crosses to the back post and just the efficiency of his passes.


RW=W(s) / IF(s)

Mohammed Salah

Again, I dont really think i need to explain why i chose him. i



Cristiano Ronaldo

One of the greatest ever goalscorer's and does not require much explanation. I chose wide target-man as i wanted him to be at the back post for crosses from Trent and De Bruyne, however i switched Hazard and De Bruyne. I want him to operate as a poacher at the back post. I could have used a ramdeuter but i wanted to try the wide target man.


ST= PF(s) / CF(s) / F9(s) / TF(s)


Of all the roles, this is the one i am struggling with the most, I have a few players in mind but am unsure who to choose.

Option 1:

Seeing as i have Salah and CR7, it would make sense to have a F9 like Benzema or Firmino

Option 2:

I have recently been using tall poachers and have really tried to mimic Haaland so thats an option but with 2 other players that would ideally get 20+goals, it could be overkill

Option 3:

I was thinking of perhaps using a Target forward with Drogba being the inspiration. It offers a long option in case the team is struggling with pressure. Im leaning towards this tbh






Ill send more updates soon





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While i was trialing this tactic, i thought about how England were capable of using this setup and heres how they would look

option 1:Screenshot2023-08-20at03_59_08.thumb.png.96e56fca2dfb3134a54aa976ed32361d.png


Option 2: 

If you were pushing it and want to fit in Walker,Trent and Reece




And heres the shape it can drop into in defenceScreenshot2023-08-20at04_07_03.thumb.png.a8c2ab6aca883ca933fc5f8ef9945a6c.png








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This is my first attempt at using this system however i used the in-game editor quite a bit to see how applicable it is with the aforementioned players. I also put Hazards ability up to 179 so that i can see him play. I also added traits that i thought the players have but are not already added in game. Like cross early on Trent, Reece and KDB aswell as other traits on others. I have not managed to get the CR7 role down but perhaps that is down to the fact that the other players in the team are higher quality.

Let me say it again, i admit that this is a cheating way of going about this but do not worry, i am going to use the tactic in a proper save.




Zapatas scored 6 on opening day, and overall hes been doing so much better then i was expecting especially as i did nothing to optimise him in this team


heres a copy of this version of the tactic

4-3-3 (LOPSIDED) v1.fmf

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5 hours ago, Miragepredator said:


Let me say it again, i admit that this is a cheating way of going about this but do not worry, i am going to use the tactic in a proper save

This is bordering on a experiment MP seeing as you're using the editor and things, but so long as there's some tactical content in here, I'll keep it in T&T for now :thup: 

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ill add PI's when i am confident it is the final version of the tactic.




I have focused on getting the Players into their roles, more so then the managerial ideas




This tactic worked well, it played how i wanted and it got players scoring, however the CR7 role became essentially a creator rather then what i imagined to be a back post demon. I though it was due to the player being perhaps lower quality in comparison to the other players but i tried in another save and same problem occurred. I think the problem was that my striker took too many of the chances, Zapata whom i have never managed before was unbelievably good, even though i used him in a support role, he still got an unreal amount of goals. As far as Hazard,Trent and Salah performed, they were close to exactly what i wanted. Hazard dropped deep like i wanted, Trent played lots of balls in behind like i wanted and Salah as stated before scored goals and assists like i wanted. There are two players i wish did better, Gakpo and Reece James. I wish Gakpo had scored more often but ill choose to believe that it was as a result of Zapata scoring so often. With Reece, it may have been due to him being behind Trent and Hazard that he did only got 5 assists, so perhaps i am being harsh.

If anyone has any advice on how to get the WTM to score more goals, feel free to leave a comment. Also open to any critique, but just remember the purpose of the tactic. 


Player Stats:


38 games, 2 goals and 7 assists

De Bruyne

38 games, 8 goals and 9 assists


38 games, 17 goals and 12 assists


38 games, 15 goals and 21 assists


34 games, 7 goals and 17 assists


38 games, 40 goals and 3 assists





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59 minutes ago, Miragepredator said:

If anyone has any advice on how to get the WTM to score more goals, feel free to leave a comment. Also open to any critique, but just remember the purpose of the tactic. 

Obvious answer would be WTM(A) and use a better WTM :thup: There's also no roles looking to cross to him from the right flank, the system's not set to benefit him but so long as he's doing the job you want, stick with it 

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7 hours ago, Johnny Ace said:

Obvious answer would be WTM(A) and use a better WTM :thup: There's also no roles looking to cross to him from the right flank, the system's not set to benefit him but so long as he's doing the job you want, stick with it 

I tried that, while also switching the rw to W(s) and occasionally switching the trent role to CWB(s), but i still found him to always be to wide to score headers(as a WTM(a)). 

I have had success getting a role similar to CR7 under Jose as a Shadow striker but the problem is that, it empties out the left flank and makes the team have the opposite problem in that the RW which is a W(s) starts getting more assists and less goals, while the SS gets the goals i envision, so i guess i have to somehow find the balance

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  • 2 months later...
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Posted (edited)

MP's DRM TM v3

This upcoming tactic is different to the previously attempted tactics in this thread but it includes different aspects that I wish to incorporate into a single team. I will attach the individuals who inspire each position and how I went about replicating them

On 20/08/2023 at 04:22, Miragepredator said:

Let me say it again, i admit that this is a cheating way of going about this but do not worry, i am going to use the tactic in a proper save.

Would like to mention this again. My preference in playing this game is incorporating different aspects of real life and combining them into a tactic. It is why I love replicating existing tactics, it allows me to slowly understand IRL tactics bit by bit and improve my own understanding of football. So I do use in-game editor to give/remove traits,  but I do not like to edit attributes.


I may make a new thread for this tactic

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Just like the previous systems, it is inspired by a lot of IRL players and the rotations that do exist in real life. For example, you can at times see Kroos or Trent drop into the defence(whether central or to the side of the defenders) to facilitate build up. Or Under Tuchel, you could sometimes see Reece occupy the right half space, or KDB overlap Mahrez at City. With Bastoni, you will understand what I am trying my once I upload the tactic :)

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Posted (edited)


Here is the tactic (In my retro save)

The first question that will come to your mind is how did I do that with the CB's. Here is a link explaining

With both CB's as WCBs on attack, the obvious question is, what happens to the rest defence?

Truthfully, I have become addicted to using double halfbacks and have to incorporate it into my tactics. So with 2 Half backs, what happens to the team shape? I will answer both questions

With the WCB(a), once in settled play, the near sided WCB can join the attack and with the addition of double half backs where one will drop into the defence, the other will become the sole pivot. At times they will push up to join the attack which helps overload a side. At times there can be up to 6 players on one side of the pitch, I will attempt to show this.

The build up for the most part will be a 3-1 but if you want more security, switch the CM to a BWM and it will become a 3-2 in build up and for the most part in rest defence


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