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Changes to Individual Training and Role Training.


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My understanding is that under the current system, if I change a player's training from the default position training to for example Inside Forward (Attack) this causes all attributes considered as Key/Preferred to get an equal amount of extra focus. I am unclear as to what attributes get attention under the default training mode, as far as I know there might be no real difference between DR and AML as far as default position training is concerned.

My suggestion is that the system should be changed to a more nuanced system based around the attribute weighting for positions and roles. Under this system, default position training gives the attributes focus proportionally to the attribute weight for the position, for example AML would heavily focus on acceleration, agility, and pace -- while relatively neglecting finishing and off ball movement. When changing a player's focus to a specific role, say Inside Forward (Attack) this should change the weighting from the positional default to the weighting for the role, putting more emphasis on finishing and off ball movement than what is there by default. Moving a player form positional default training to a specific role should not increase a player's workload -- unless they are being trained in an unfamiliar role.

Alongside this system i would suggest that individual attribute training should be modified to work with this system. To be specific I would prefer the current focus groups be broken up -- if I have a player with underwhelming pass accuracy -- but with good technique and vision -- I should not have to train him in all three attributes at once, this leads to player being unhappy with training as they don't see passing as a problem area in their game, and overall it makes individual training unintuitive and inconvenient. I think we should be able to focus any attributes we want in individual training, possibly with the limitation that we can only focus three attributes at a time, as this aligns with most of the focus groups anyway.

In this new system individual training would add weight to the attributes being focused on, say 6 or 12 in total (just to have it cleanly divisible between both 2 and 3) and increase the total training load.

In my opinion this system would give managers -- both human and AI -- more control over their player's development and allow us to shape players according to a system of play, much like clubs like Barcelona and Ajax have done historically.

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