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Strange board behavior

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So I am managing Salford and I got into the Championship and it goes well.

The Board gave me a good wage budget(about 202K$) to work with so I used it and I am spending about 196K, withing the budget given to me.

Now due to this fairly large budget for a club that size I am in the beginning of January and the club is in 4.2 mil $ in the red, despite me selling a few players in the summer(for about 3.5 mil). Now the board announced that doe to poor financial position the wage budget is scaled down to 163K and the took all my transfer budget away.


I took a look in the board expectation from me and I found this:


So, due to club's **** poor fanatical planing, I might get sacked because I worked within the budget THEY gave me in the beginning of the season?

That feels a little harsh and unfair. Anybody else encountered that problem?



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