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Adding a few ways to spend manager's salary


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Currently, there is no reason at all for a manager to get a more lucrative contract, because the salary can't be spent on anything. At the same time, there are a lot of things that can theoretically be done for money. For example:

- go on a license course at your own expense if the club owner doesn't agree to it 
- Pay for courses to improve a particular attribute (hire a motivational coach, for example)
- Organize a team barbecue to bring the team together, raise morale, solve conflicts
- give a gift to an important player to improve loyalty
- hire a PR team to improve your own reputation
- give access to some additional statistics or analytics as paid subscriptions to professional software or magazines.

At least make a paid change of clothes, or tatoos. Otherwise there is no point in salaries, only the club's money is wasted. 

I believe the community can give much more ideas how to spend manager's salary

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There is a very simple reason for a manager to get a more lucrative contract - greater job security. If you have a long contract that earns plenty of money, your club may be more reluctant to sack you if you hit a poor run of form.

SI have said many times before that a manager spending their own money on their club is something that does not happen in real-life.

A lot of people who suggest this 'feature' assume that managers put their salaries back into football. In real-life, they would spend most of that money on home, family, leisure, etc. I can understand why they'd use some of that money on coaching licences, but everything else that has been suggested is either unrealistic or Sims-style nonsense.

Edited by CFuller
Sack, not sell.
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I remember playing years back, probably more then 15 years ago when I had an option to buy the club after many years spend in charge. 

I understand that this is Footbal Manager and not Club Manager but will be an option I will like to see in FM.

This is only a suggestion for the Developers and probably was mentioned previously but I will like to express my opinion too.

I will like to see a career that allowes you to buy the club (if affordable). Have a life outside, family,  children, house, eccetera. Probably at one stage, your child will play for your club and take over from you when  you become at age and you can further progrss into the game. 

I know I played something similar years back ( without you retiring and child taking over) but I cannot remember the exact year. 

For the long term and with the option to transfer the saved data to the new platform will increase popularity, at least for me. 

This way you can spend the money and you can argue why you want to negotiate your salary.  At the moment, for me at least, I don't see the point of being payed. Yes, beying paid more will reduce the option to fire you but this is not what I'm interested in. But I will definitely being interested in the options sugested. 


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😅 I stopped asking for more money long time ago, sometimes I just ask for less. Is useless feature. I can't spend it, and that is a minus for the game imo. The first post is or can be part of the game. If I would be at my career beginning, I would try to spend some part of the money on courses and tutoring, if the club would reject my request. 

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