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Unilaterally increase a player's salary


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For situations where a league has a minimum salary to be registered (Spain is an obvious example) it would be nice to increase a player's salary without negotiating a new contract.  You can't change anything else, but you can increase his wage.  

Normally, in real life and FM, a club would want to get something on their end (more years and or higher release clause), but sometimes the player wants a big new contract and a poor, recently promoted club can't afford it.  It would be nice to have an option to bump their salary up to the registration minimum without changing any other aspect of the deal (years, bonuses, release, ect).  In real life, even if a player would prefer a proper new deal, I'm sure he wouldn't reject a larger salary he didn't have to give anything up for.

I'm curious how this works in real life of course.   Personally, I want FM to be as real life as possible, so I wonder what an actual Spanish club that moves from tier 3 to tier 2 does with players that were making 60k per year but now need 80k to be registered.

Relatedly, and again I wonder how it works in real life, it would be nice if there was an option on contracts that, instead of adding or subtracting a certain % for promotion or relegation, you could decide on a certain value if you were in a certain tier.  So, being able to offer, if we're in Tier 2 you make 80k but if we drop to Tier 3 you drop to 60k.  Same with release clauses.


Edited by nms1987
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  • nms1987 changed the title to Unilaterally increase a player's salary
13 hours ago, nms1987 said:

Relatedly, and again I wonder how it works in real life, it would be nice if there was an option on contracts that, instead of adding or subtracting a certain % for promotion or relegation, you could decide on a certain value if you were in a certain tier.  So, being able to offer, if we're in Tier 2 you make 80k but if we drop to Tier 3 you drop to 60k.  Same with release clauses.

This is something I'd be keen on as well.

When playing as smaller clubs I don't like the "40% Promotion Wage Rise/25% Relegation Wage Drop" because it's harder for me to mentally calculate and then keep track of 😅

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Fighting with this more, as I'm trying to loan in some players from Portugal who make less than 70k a year, but the minimum salary to be registered in La Liga 2 is 79k per year.  So, I basically can't get the reinforcements I need.

I'm also dealing with a situation where I am trying to give a young guy a raise and extension so I can register him.  But he's rejected my offer and won't talk to me so I can't register him even if I wanted to give into all his demands.  Registration deadline is going to pass and he will be sitting out the season because he won't talk to me so I can both give him more money and let him play!  This is driving me crazy!

His current release is 1 million, he wants a relegation release in his new deal of just 175k, my poor team is almost certain to go back down, so I'd basically be agreeing to lose him for pennies.  I've seen this a bunch, seems like AI doesn't take into account what the current release clauses in a deal are when making demands for new one.  I feel like in real life it's rare for release clauses to ever go down during a contract extension, but me trying to keep the release clause the same that is making him break off negotiations, no matter what else I offer

This is driving me crazy!

In the past when playing with teams in other countries, I've also had issues where I'd loan a young low wages player to Spain, only to see he wasn't playing because he wasn't registered because his wages were too low.  At the very least FM needs to give you a warning box before you loan him out that says "hey this guy won't be able to be registered in this league"

Really, I think the solution should be when you go to register someone making under the wage floor it gives you a popup box saying, "player makes too little to be registered, would you like to increase wage to minimum?" and boom it is done in a click.

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