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New Features to the FM Editor


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Hello guys, I have some suggestions regarding the FM Editor, which will make playing the game more enjoyable for longer period of time - Add an option to remove some settings from the FM Editor like: Remove All Injuries, Improve Team Cohesion, Edit Budgets, Move/Remove guys from teams, or edit the players and coaches attributes. Why?

Often, I and I guess many others are using these to help themselves in the game, but in longer term, it makes the game boring and I personally quit my save in the 3rd to 5th season and start a new one. 
Personally, I would like to use the Editor only for searching new players and see their Current and Potential Ability, but as I said, often I am not resisting to use it to do some shady stuff. 

So the perfect option will be when starting a new Career mode, to choose which features of the Editor will be available to you during the game and you will not have the option to add them. 

Thanks and hope you will consider this.

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