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Has Anyone ever had a wonderkid in lower league?

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Ive just had my 2nd Youth Intake at Stockport County and strangely ive had something ive never had before. i Had a CB in there who is almost perfect. now what i mean by that is he hs model citizen personality and when i entered his attributes into a website to see what his ability is it is currently at 136. ive never had this EVER before. I dont own the in game editor so its not like it could have been changed. Ill post pictures once i know how to do it as im not techincally knowledgeable. any words of advice as to whether this is something that can happen or is it a bug? i made a save 1 week before my intake so if its a bug ill restart back from then if its just the game ill keep running it as it is

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In last year's FM Touch I had a wonderkid striker in 2nd Belgian Div. He was our top scorer that year at 16, again in the 1st div the year after (17). Had to sell him for 15 mil (saved the club's finances) and brought him back at 25 to become the nation's top scorer. Barca wanted him for 100M then but never let him leave again :p He didn't want to go either as he had our club as his fave since he came through the youth ranks.

One and only time I had such a good youth player on FM. How the good times perish...

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i had a striker thaty was a regen stud in 2nd or 1st skybet. he was a monster at that lvl and quickly was top scorer and then got snatched by a big club. he became a english int with many caps and goals


and this website you input his attributes and it gives you a CA approximate, what is it called?

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I had several:

180 and 165 PA players in L2 in FM21. The 180 PA guy was interesting case - he was amazing in L2 and L1 until my board sold him to Celtic. I activated his release clause when I made it to PL. Unfortunately, Celtic ruined his mentals (he had 1 professionalism and ambition at the end of the save) and he was just a pain to deal with. He missed several games and I sold him to Man utd.

Total four or five 150 to 160 PA players in VNL and L2 (two intakes in a row) in FM23.

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