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How create a club vision/culture to sign players from a specific continent?


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I'm familiar with the pre-game editor and am able to use it to add a club vision to sign players from a specific nation, but this year I want to create a board vision / club culture / transfer policy that demands I sign players from an entire continent, ideally Africa. However, when adding a club vision in the editor there doesn't appear to be any option for "sign players from X continent", just specific nations. I'd also like to ensure that the newgens of my chosen club are comprised entirely of African nations.

The only way I've identified to do this so far is to use an extinct Singaporean club (Sporting Afrique) that has a hardcoded "can only sign players from Africa" policy. There are also a couple of clubs (e.g. lots in Australia for some reason and one in Austria) that are hardcoded to produce a mix of African newgens. However I need to choose one or the other to build my new club so whichever one I choose I'll have to find a way of using the editor to create either A) an "African only" transfer policy / club vision, or B) an "African only" youth development. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

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Whaaaat there's a hard-coded African only team? That's cool as hell. Would be a fun project in the English lower leagues or something (I assume you could sign dual nationals like English-Nigerian newgens)

I suppose you could duplicate the city your club is based in, and change that city to having its nation or local region based in an African country (the old way people used to make diaspora clubs), but that would mean your newgens are only from that one country IIRC. You could also try building a scouting staff full of different African nationalities and see if that helps with newgens, but that's a short-term solution

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