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[Suggestion] Save player search critiera and import it into recruitment focus additional criteria


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Good Ebening,


may I suggest that when you save a filter in the player search, you should be able to import it at the "further details" expandable list in the recruitment focus creator.

This way, you give the user a filter to apply the rescruiting focus once by limiting the desired group of players and save the user from filtering the repetitive results of the recruiting focus after each result individually.
Especially the criteria "knowledge" "is at most" should be a central further criteria to exclude repetitive scouting of the same players and thus to deliver exactly what scouting actually wants to do, namely to deliver knowledge about unknown players to the club.

[See Search1 Si.png, Search2 Si.png, Search3 Si.png]

Also there is another missed possibility,
if you display a hint, asksing the user to let the game create a recuitment focus for them, why not load those criteria choosen by the user, to find a players the players the user has already searched for. In the status of the game FM23, it will just give you a generic focus, with the additional further criteria of search in the current league.

Which is not that helpful, but is also misleading the user into "dealt with problem", only to wake them by giving them players, which are not desired.

[see search.png - sry it's german, I hope you have someone there that is able to translate.)

Hope this is understandable. If not feel free to ask.


Have a nice day


seach1 Si.PNG

seach2 Si.PNG

seach3 Si.PNG


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