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Players' Relationships

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Hi there.

I expect that the red lines on the relationships screen indicates negative relationships between players, if this is correct then why would the negative relationship not be reflected on their personal info?

(I.e, surely you'd expect to see 'player X dislikes player Y' or the like) ....


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  • SI Staff
1 hour ago, KAS2 said:

Hi there.

I expect that the red lines on the relationships screen indicates negative relationships between players, if this is correct then why would the negative relationship not be reflected on their personal info?

(I.e, surely you'd expect to see 'player X dislikes player Y' or the like) ....

The game differentiates between personal and playing relationships - the ones shown on the person information page are personal relationships, the lines indicate where players have good on-pitch relationships with players.

So for instance a player might be friends with someone and enjoy socialising with him, but actually be lousy on the pitch playing along-side him, does that make sense to you?

(in reverse two players might have very different personalities and not get on off the pitch but work well together on the pitch because they have complimentary playing styles)

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It is very simiar to Players all thinking Player X important to the team or Player X's Contract must be renewed, but may think the same Player X is a poor choice for Captain!

Edited by kkthedoc
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12 minutes ago, kkthedoc said:

It is very simiar to Players all thinki g Player X important to the team or Player X's Contract must be renewed, but may think the same Player X is a poor choice for Captain!

How'd you know all this then?

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  • SI Staff
3 hours ago, kkthedoc said:

It is very simiar to Players all thinki g Player X important to the team or Player X's Contract must be renewed, but may think the same Player X is a poor choice for Captain!

Yeah the two are seen as two discrete things - ie. a player can be an important member of the team, but not a great captain in someones opinion (especially likely if the person making the judgement wants to be captain themself ;) ).

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12 hours ago, KAS2 said:

How'd you know all this then?

It helps to constantly check 1. The Players' Personal tabs 2. Coach Report (at times) 3. Relationships tab (the last tab under players' tabs). If the player is one you're scouting this won't show up. Achievement is the final tab. Also, under Talk to Player if the option about player relationships is highlighted, then check to see who they've grouse against. 

Edited by kkthedoc
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Also the happiness view on the squad page can give you a quick overview of things generally for relationships/happiness/feelings .. standing will tell you how popular someone is within the squad, so if they show up as respected or popular then chances are you shouldn't abuse them too much  ;)

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  • 1 month later...
On 03/10/2023 at 04:08, Marc Vaughan said:

...  because they have complimentary playing styles)

Does this mean that the relationships connection in tactics exists/non-exists because a player's playing style compliment/doesn't compliment the other one? I guess my main question is how to get those lines intertwined across the pitch?

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