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FM24 Feature Blog: Quality of Life Upgrades - Part One

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Nice to see attribute changes for staff now! well done guys

However, we dont check staff attribute pages very often (unlike players)

So Im not sure how long the green or red arrows will hang around for, before they disappear?

Therefore it would be good to have a history of attribute changes for staff, going back over the last year (as you can do with player attribute history)


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Aside from having staff development arrows now, have you changed the way staff members develop?  In all prior versions of FM, both Level of Discipline and WWY were unchanging fixed stats for staff members but the image you included has those stats showing upward arrows for both.  


It also shows upward arrows for the GK coaching abilities though the coach in question is not a GK coach.  While it has always been possible (though very very slow) to improve the GK attributes of non-GK coaches through coaching assignments, it is an unusual enough occurrence to make note of it.  Is this some sort of change also?

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