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Dynamic TV Money

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Have to applaud SI for revamping the finances. So many times Ive left a game because the finances have not kept up with the growth of my club. There is only so much you can achieve on a budget of £150m. Will this mean players of big teams from smaller leagues (Rangers, Celtic, Ajax, PSV, Porto, Benfica etc) have the ability to increase TV money substantially and compete with the major leagues?



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I don't think you should be expecting massive changes in TV money. Yes, if you do well it should grow, but in the end nations like the Netherlands, Portugal and so on simply have far smaller markets than the big 5 and the gap in TV money is simply too big. The Eredivisie just signed a new deal, after some amazing performances in Europe and in the end they're getting €135m/year total. That's slightly more than what the lowest PL club gets by themselves. Even if you win the CL a couple times it would make no sense for the TV money to suddenly quintuple so that it looks somewhat competitive with the likes of France and Italy.

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1 hour ago, Freakiie said:

I don't think you should be expecting massive changes in TV money. Yes, if you do well it should grow, but in the end nations like the Netherlands, Portugal and so on simply have far smaller markets than the big 5 and the gap in TV money is simply too big. The Eredivisie just signed a new deal, after some amazing performances in Europe and in the end they're getting €135m/year total. That's slightly more than what the lowest PL club gets by themselves. Even if you win the CL a couple times it would make no sense for the TV money to suddenly quintuple so that it looks somewhat competitive with the likes of France and Italy.

Is this opinion or did it happen in your game?

There should be no reason why Italy or France shouldnt close the gap to the premier league if they start performing in europe

Edited by andyt365
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8 minutes ago, andyt365 said:

Is this opinion or did it happen in your game?

There should be no reason why Italy or France shouldnt close the gap to the premier league if they start performing in europe

You were talking about leagues like the Netherlands, Portugal and Scotland in your opening post, so I gave you the latest deal the Eredivisie signed like a week ago in real life, after (by their standards) massive success in their European performances, which still is merely about 1/20th of what the PL makes.

France/Italy obviously have a better starting position, but you're still talking about 1/4-1/5th of what the PL earns, which who knows, that could happen, but I doubt it.

But obviously, until people actually win continuous CLs with some Italian club we won't know, but in my opinion you're getting your hopes up way too much. Especially if you expect leagues like the Eredivisie to start seeing 1B+ in TV money every year or if you expect Italy/France to quadruple their TV money on their next deal.

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