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more PI freedom in the winger position


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Hi, is it possible to have more PI freedom in the winger position?

Basically I would like to play with IFs or IWs without the dribble more instruction because I feel like they always dribble as soon as they get the ball instead of looking for better options first and they always get into cul-de-sac.

I've tried other roles like AP(s) or RMD but the first one is too passive out of possession and does not attack channels, and the other one does not track back enough. 

And I don't feel comfortable using the dribble less TI for one or two players only. Also it feels like the dribble less TI make the players more predictable as in they won't try tricky passes or dribble to get out of trouble, instead they opt for safe passing options and they get pressed way more easily.

Also, I've seen that WBs recently got the dribble more instruction revoked and I think it would be nice to have the IF, IW and W roles go through the same change.

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