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[FM24][HELP]Random and Small Skinning Questions


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Em 08/02/2024 em 16:53, vamcj disse:

I'm almost sure that the problem is in the file I'm using to "call" the scoreboard files!

Well, when I write the code like this:

<container class="match_titlebar_panel" file="match/v4mcj/match score area panel v4mcj style01" id="v4s1" >
	<translation id="title"  type="use" value="Style 01" />
		<record id="object_property">
			<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
			<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

the result looks like this:

and when I write the code like this:

<widget class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" file="match/v4mcj/match score area panel v4mcj style01" id="v4s1" >
			<translation id="title"  type="use" value="Style 01" />
			<record id="object_property">
				<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
				<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

the result looks like this:


I'm very frustrated and sad.
I got this far, I managed to create some scoreboard models that I liked, I managed to make the scoreboard selector work in a certain way, but it causes an unexplained bug in all my scores, with the exception of 1.
But I can't, I've tried several things and I can't.
Worse than without the score selector, everything seems to work perfectly.
Damn it!

I have progress update!
I haven't reached the desired result yet, but I've taken another step towards it... I'll be back with more details...

I took another important step towards what I want.
I put it at the top of the code for each scoreboard:
<panel width="1000" colour_team_names="false" colour_team_scores="false">
This solved a problem that was occurring, where the game result was appearing in white instead of the color I defined as "title".
The other problem is that in 4 of my scores, the home team's name keeps disappearing and appearing (intermittently).


any suggestions to fix this?

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-
I haven't found the solution yet, but what I noticed was that for some reason, the team name shifts on the horizontal axis (right and left.)

and the problem is here:

        			<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="270,80" gap="10" offset="-50,0,0,0"/>

					<!-- NOME - TIME DA CASA -->
        			<widget class="team_button" id="hTmb" mode="1" font="title" size="12.5" style="bold" colour="title" alignment="right,centre_y" click_event="htac" navigation_focus_target="false" icon_enabled="false" should_force_refresh="true" auto_size="horizontal">

any suggestions to fix this?

for a change without help.
I'll have to find out for myself....as always.

..get to work..

In which file is this part edited:

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6 hours ago, snowofman said:

The code needed to show city pictures

This code is located in club overview panel, right?


This is from skin what I use:

<!-- CITY PIC -->
        <container class="vertical_adaptive_container" default_width="600" priority="4" inset="0" offset="0" gap="1" mode="distribute_equally">
            <container class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/contrast/no margin/top/paper" red_replacement="primary">
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true" inset="10"/>
                <widget class="nation_button" id="nati" font="main menu" colour="secondary" size="11" alignment="centre_x,centre_y,can_scale">
                    <record id="object_property">
                        <integer id="get_property" value="Cnat"/>
            <container class="plain_box" id="tstf" height="400" priority="1">
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />
                <widget class="background" file="backgrounds" id="bgnd">
                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0" />
                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />
                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" offset="0" gap="0" />
                    <record id="object_property">
                        <integer id="get_property" value="bgnd" />
                        <integer id="set_property" value="file" />
            <container class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/contrast/no margin/bottom/paper" red_replacement="primary">
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true" inset="10"/>
                <widget class="city_label" id="namL" font="main menu" colour="secondary" size="11" alignment="centre_x,centre_y,can_scale">
                    <record id="object_property">
                        <integer id="get_property" value="SctI"/>


This is from skin that already have the city picture:

        <container class="bordered_box" id="tstf" height="200" priority="1">
        <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="30, -1" offset="0" gap="0"/>
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>            
                     <container class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/contrast/no margin/top/paper" red_replacement="primary" blue_replacement="black">
      <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="bottom,extend" offset="0" gap="0"/>
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>    
<widget class="city_label" size="10" colour="secondary" font="fonts/capitals_bold" alignment="centre,can_scale" auto_size="vertical" show_nation="true" id="Tsry" priority="1">
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="5.5" />
        <record id="object_property">
          <integer id="get_property" value="SctI" />
            <container class="bordered_box" id="tstf" >
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" scale_picture="true" apply_to_children="true" />
    <widget class="background" file="backgrounds" id="bgnd">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0" />
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" />
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" offset="0" gap="0" />
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="bgnd" />
<integer id="set_property" value="file" />

I was trying some manipulation but nothing has changed

Edited by Mancunianets
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7 hours ago, vamcj said:

for a change without help.
I'll have to find out for myself....as always.

..get to work..

In which file is this part edited:

match caption panel small

match caption subs container

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4 hours ago, Mancunianets said:

Is any chance to use together own background and city pictures (only for club profile)?

no problem, you may be use 100500 different backgrounds for 100500 different pages like i use in 24-light-stadium_background_in_between_highlight-mod

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5 hours ago, Olas Nick said:

no problem, you may be use 100500 different backgrounds for 100500 different pages like i use in 24-light-stadium_background_in_between_highlight-mod

I think it is too difficult for me to do it in that way

Edited by Mancunianets
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Guys, during the match, on the scoreboard, the home team's name keeps changing position, from right to left, all by itself.
This does not happen with the name of the visiting team.
The codes below are the parts that are configuring the names of the 2 teams:


<!--HOME TEAM-->
			<container class="main_box_no_margin" red_replacement="white" appearance="boxes/custom/match/tv captions/si tv/score/home team/paper" id="T1Co">
   				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

    			<!-- NAME AND SHIELD - HOME TEAM -->
        			<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="270,80" gap="10" offset="-60,0,0,0"/>

					<!-- NAME - HOME TEAM -->
        			<widget class="team_button" id="hTmb" mode="1" font="title" size="12.5" style="bold" colour="title" alignment="right,centre_y" click_event="htac" navigation_focus_target="false" icon_enabled="false" should_force_refresh="true" auto_size="horizontal">
            			<record id="object_property">
                			<list id="get_properties">
                    			<record id="object_property">
                        			<integer id="get_property" value="home" />
                        			<integer id="set_property" value="value" />
            			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" priority="10"/>
					<!-- SHIELD - HOME TEAM -->
        			<container class="transformation_container">
            			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" priority="10"/>
           	 			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" priority="10"/>
            			<list id="transformations">
             		   		<record type="rotation" value="-15"/>
           		 		<widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="picH" height="80" width="80" should_force_refresh="true" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="false" image_alignment="left" transparency="0.6">
                			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="-15,0,0,0" priority="3"/>
                			<record id="object_property">
                   		 		<integer id="get_property" value="home" />

<!--AWAY TEAM-->
			<container class="main_box_no_margin" red_replacement="white" appearance="boxes/custom/match/tv captions/si tv/score/away team/paper" id="T2Co">
    			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

    			<!-- NAME AND SHIELD - AWAY TEAM -->
        			<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="80,270" gap="10" offset="0,0,0,0"/>

        			<!-- SHIELD - AWAY TEAM -->
        			<container class="transformation_container">
            			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" priority="10"/>
            			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" priority="10"/>
            			<list id="transformations">
                			<record type="rotation" value="15"/> 
            			<widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="picA" height="80" width="80" should_force_refresh="true" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="false" image_alignment="right" transparency="0.6">
                			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontal" offset="0" priority="3"/>
                			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="-15,0,0,0" priority="3"/>
                			<record id="object_property">
                    			<integer id="get_property" value="away" />

        			<!-- NAME - AWAY TEAM -->
        			<widget class="team_button" id="aTmb"  mode="1" font="title" size="12.5" style="bold" colour="title" alignment="left,centre_y" click_event="atac" navigation_focus_target="false" icon_enabled="false" auto_size="horizontal">
            			<record id="object_property">
                			<list id="get_properties">
                    			<record id="object_property">
                        			<integer id="get_property" value="away" />
                        			<integer id="set_property" value="value" />
            			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" priority="10"/>


help me please!!
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-= -=-=-
Another question:
In which file and part of the code do I configure this detail of expulsion of a player from the team in the game scoreboard?


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I was messing around with the Attribute Analyzer when I realized how easy it was to create your own formulas. Inspired by the Squirrel approach, I made a analyzer for with a value the roles in my tactic. I'm having a couple of issues. In the player overview, I'm having trouble getting it fit appropriately in the container. As you can see from screenshot, it looks good in a smaller box. I also would like to add the analyzer comparison. I've got the role analyzer showing along the with the traditional one. However, I'm having similar issues with the label being too small. From from trial and error, it also appears they cannot show at the same time because they both use " <widget class="person_attributes_analyser_panel" id="ofap" ". Is there an alternative I could use or do I need to try to create another tab to separate them? Thanks for any help or advice you can offer.

Roles Compare.png


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9 horas atrás, vamcj disse:


Guys, during the match, on the scoreboard, the home team's name keeps changing position, from right to left, all by itself.
This does not happen with the name of the visiting team.
The codes below are the parts that are configuring the names of the 2 teams:


<!--HOME TEAM-->
			<container class="main_box_no_margin" red_replacement="white" appearance="boxes/custom/match/tv captions/si tv/score/home team/paper" id="T1Co">
   				<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

    			<!-- NAME AND SHIELD - HOME TEAM -->
        			<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="270,80" gap="10" offset="-60,0,0,0"/>

					<!-- NAME - HOME TEAM -->
        			<widget class="team_button" id="hTmb" mode="1" font="title" size="12.5" style="bold" colour="title" alignment="right,centre_y" click_event="htac" navigation_focus_target="false" icon_enabled="false" should_force_refresh="true" auto_size="horizontal">
            			<record id="object_property">
                			<list id="get_properties">
                    			<record id="object_property">
                        			<integer id="get_property" value="home" />
                        			<integer id="set_property" value="value" />
            			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" priority="10"/>
					<!-- SHIELD - HOME TEAM -->
        			<container class="transformation_container">
            			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" priority="10"/>
           	 			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" priority="10"/>
            			<list id="transformations">
             		   		<record type="rotation" value="-15"/>
           		 		<widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="picH" height="80" width="80" should_force_refresh="true" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="false" image_alignment="left" transparency="0.6">
                			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="-15,0,0,0" priority="3"/>
                			<record id="object_property">
                   		 		<integer id="get_property" value="home" />

<!--AWAY TEAM-->
			<container class="main_box_no_margin" red_replacement="white" appearance="boxes/custom/match/tv captions/si tv/score/away team/paper" id="T2Co">
    			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

    			<!-- NAME AND SHIELD - AWAY TEAM -->
        			<layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="80,270" gap="10" offset="0,0,0,0"/>

        			<!-- SHIELD - AWAY TEAM -->
        			<container class="transformation_container">
            			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" priority="10"/>
            			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" priority="10"/>
            			<list id="transformations">
                			<record type="rotation" value="15"/> 
            			<widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="picA" height="80" width="80" should_force_refresh="true" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="false" image_alignment="right" transparency="0.6">
                			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontal" offset="0" priority="3"/>
                			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="-15,0,0,0" priority="3"/>
                			<record id="object_property">
                    			<integer id="get_property" value="away" />

        			<!-- NAME - AWAY TEAM -->
        			<widget class="team_button" id="aTmb"  mode="1" font="title" size="12.5" style="bold" colour="title" alignment="left,centre_y" click_event="atac" navigation_focus_target="false" icon_enabled="false" auto_size="horizontal">
            			<record id="object_property">
                			<list id="get_properties">
                    			<record id="object_property">
                        			<integer id="get_property" value="away" />
                        			<integer id="set_property" value="value" />
            			<layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" priority="10"/>


help me please!!
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-= -=-=-
Another question:
In which file and part of the code do I configure this detail of expulsion of a player from the team in the game scoreboard?


I managed to solve both questions!
Look my scoreboards:


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5 hours ago, vamcj said:

I managed to solve both questions!
Look my scoreboards:


Hey brother, hope you are well. I am having both of your issues as we speak. What a coinendence. 
Can you guide me through it please? Will be much appreciated!!!!

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4 horas atrás, DamienQilBormliz disse:

Hey brother, hope you are well. I am having both of your issues as we speak. What a coinendence. 
Can you guide me through it please? Will be much appreciated!!!!

Of course it helps man!
Paste your code here, try to identify where your error is causing.
In my case, to stop the house time name from varying between left and right on its own, I changed the following:
<widget class="team_button" id="hTmb" mode="1" font="title" size="12.5" style="bold" color="title" alignment="right,center_y" click_event="htac" navigation_focus_target ="false" icon_enabled="false" should_force_refresh="true" auto_size="true">

auto_size is horizontal and I changed it to true.

And in case red cards appear on the scoreboard, just include the code (but it will depend on the size and position you want). See in my case:
<container class="main_box_no_margin" id="T1rc" red_replacement="red" blue_replacement="red" appearance="boxes/custom/solid/paper" height="10" width="13" embed_in_frame="true">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom,right" inset="0,0,0,94"/>
Being T1rc for the home team and T2rc for the visiting team.


Taking advantage and asking for help from everyone:
How do I move the match comments block further down? Which file?

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10 minutes ago, vamcj said:

Of course it helps man!
Paste your code here, try to identify where your error is causing.
In my case, to stop the house time name from varying between left and right on its own, I changed the following:
<widget class="team_button" id="hTmb" mode="1" font="title" size="12.5" style="bold" color="title" alignment="right,center_y" click_event="htac" navigation_focus_target ="false" icon_enabled="false" should_force_refresh="true" auto_size="true">

auto_size is horizontal and I changed it to true.

And in case red cards appear on the scoreboard, just include the code (but it will depend on the size and position you want). See in my case:
<container class="main_box_no_margin" id="T1rc" red_replacement="red" blue_replacement="red" appearance="boxes/custom/solid/paper" height="10" width="13" embed_in_frame="true">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom,right" inset="0,0,0,94"/>
Being T1rc for the home team and T2rc for the visiting team.


Taking advantage and asking for help from everyone:
How do I move the match comments block further down? Which file?

Thank you so much buddy! They both worked out well and thanks for the guide, it really helped me understand. 

Regarding your shout for help, do you mean the commentary bar?


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1 hora atrás, DamienQilBormliz disse:

Thank you so much buddy! They both worked out well and thanks for the guide, it really helped me understand. 

Regarding your shout for help, do you mean the commentary bar?


You are welcome!
We are here to help you always!

Yes, this bar really..

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9 minutos atrás, DamienQilBormliz disse:

This should be the file controlling it mate.

match commentary.xml 2.34 kB · 0 downloads

I already tried this file.
It was useful for me to increase the font size.
But I can't move the bar down for him.
I'm trying to find the right file.


Another question I have, is how to extract the FONTs from the game?
I can't find them through Resource Archiver.

I'm looking for this font:

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3 hours ago, vamcj said:

I already tried this file.
It was useful for me to increase the font size.
But I can't move the bar down for him.
I'm trying to find the right file.


Another question I have, is how to extract the FONTs from the game?
I can't find them through Resource Archiver.

I'm looking for this font:



for the commentary bar, try and look in 

match console panel

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16 minutos atrás, snowofman disse:



for the commentary bar, try and look in 

match console panel

My friend, one more question.
These boxes that appear in the match, when a goal is scored, when receiving a yellow card, when receiving a red card and during substitutions... I remember that in some versions ago, they also appeared, for offside calls and if my memory serves me correctly, also for injuries during the match.

Is there any way to put it?

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3 minutes ago, vamcj said:

My friend, one more question.
These boxes that appear in the match, when a goal is scored, when receiving a yellow card, when receiving a red card and during substitutions... I remember that in some versions ago, they also appeared, for offside calls and if my memory serves me correctly, also for injuries during the match.

Is there any way to put it?

I have no idea tbh, i don't even remember it was a thing.

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20 minutes ago, Mancunianets said:

Is it laborious procedure to add background selector from one skin to another? Besides the client object browser, do I need to edit something else? 

global panels.xml

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En 7/2/2024 a las 20:21, vamcj dijo:



I achieved!
I even need some direction from ChatGPT, but it worked

I created 4 scoreboard models. With some color variations.
This last one was undoubtedly the one that required the most work because of the rotation.
Now I need to do it like the TangFu skin, you can select the desired score!


Hello friend, I love that scoreboard... I would like to know if you could send me the file that you modified so I can have one just like it!! Obviously, if it's not a bother.

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5 horas atrás, snowofman disse:

I have no idea tbh, i don't even remember it was a thing.

Answering your question and mine (lol).
I put FM17 to work here and in some games I already had the answers:
Not only did it have an indication of Impediments and injuries, but it also had an indication of a foul.

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11 horas atrás, snowofman disse:



for the commentary bar, try and look in 

match console panel

It was top, incredible!
Thanks for the tip on the file!

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Does anyone know if the Cup Draw screen for the UEFA competitions are controlled by the same panels for domestic cup draws?

I have edited the cup draws for the FA Cup to my liking but when I am on the cup draw screen for the Europa Conference League, the text for the teams are black and hard to see.

Hope that makes sense

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How can I split this two containers into four as it is indicated on screen?




<!-- CONTAINER -->
        <container >
            <layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="-1,-1" />
            <!-- LARGE SELECTOR 1 -->
            <container bkcl="blue 300" >
            <container >
                <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="fill" />
                <!-- SMALL SELECTOR 4 -->
                <container bkcl="red 200" >

        <!-- SMALL SELECTOR 4 -->
                <container bkcl="red 200" >
                <!-- SMALL SELECTOR 5 -->
                <container bkcl="red 200" >


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I'm having a lot of difficulty editing this part of the skin:

1) Why events (goals, disallowed goals, yellow and red cards...) take a long time to occur in matches and this slows down editing - trial and error.
Is there any other way to see if the edit applied to the code had an effect?

2) Which file should be edited for these event boxes?
Just the Match Caption Panel Small?

I'm trying to change the colors:
Red background and white letters (for the red card),
Yellow background and white letters (for the yellow card),
Black background and letters in title color (for the goal),
Include flag icon (for offside).

But, I don't consider each event individually.


Help me

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HELP and support much appreciated. 

I like WTS skin, but I like to have the backgrounds of the stadiums etc like what OPZ skin has. 

How can I get the backgrounds to change and have them in the skin please. 


If you can help..... i would love that.

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In the file:
"Match Caption Panel" has this part of the code that definitely notes some of the antecedents and lyrics:

	<!--default text colour-->
	<flags id="dTXc" value="black"/>
	<!--alternative text colour-->
	<flags id="aTXc" value="white"/>
	<!--disallowed text colour-->
	<flags id="iTXc" value="negative"/>
	<!--default background colour-->
	<flags id="dBGc" value="background"/>
	<!--yellow card background colour-->
	<flags id="yBGc" value="yellow"/>
	<!--red card background colour-->
	<flags id="rBGc" value="red"/>
	<!--substitutes background colour-->
	<flags id="sBGc" value="darkened text"/>
	<!--yellow card image-->
	<string id="ycIM" value="icons/26px/yellow card"/>
	<!--red card image-->
	<string id="rcIM" value="icons/26px/red card"/>

However, in the file: "Match Caption Panel Small" I did not find any part where I can associate the font color for Yellow Card and Red Card.
So, if I'm going to set the color for the goal font to "title"
How can I set the yellow card / red card font color to white?
All I need to do is include something like this in the part of the code I mentioned above:
<flags id="yTXc" value="white"/>
<flags id="rTXc" value="white"/> ?

Where do I actually edit, to modify the positions of the yellow card and red card icons, for example?
updating some evolutions:


What I can't do is change the letter in the names of the players (who scored the goal and who provided the assist)



I'm getting where I want!
However, I need help.
How do I change the color of the goal icon (ball) to white?
In the code, there is no icon in question to edit.


What goal ID should I put here?
<!--goal image-->
<string id="" value="icons/26px/goal"/>
Can someone help me?
Guys, which files can I edit these 3?



Edited by vamcj
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Having two problems atm:

1. The highlighted text is white in some messages, and in some messages black. Think I've tested everything in the settings file, but can't find the problem. Do I have to edit all the panels for different messages?

2. Where can I find the file to make the black box white instead? Tried the inbox panel, but didn't work.

Skärmavbild 2024-02-14 kl. 15.50.57.png

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35 minutes ago, DBlind said:

Having two problems atm:

1. The highlighted text is white in some messages, and in some messages black. Think I've tested everything in the settings file, but can't find the problem. Do I have to edit all the panels for different messages?

2. Where can I find the file to make the black box white instead? Tried the inbox panel, but didn't work.

Skärmavbild 2024-02-14 kl. 15.50.57.png

1. to get rid of white text, you need to edit more than 1000 files, not just the configuration file. 

2. If I remember correctly, this is the card bg in the configuration file

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7 horas atrás, oi_oi_ginger_roy disse:

Does anyone know how i would get this to be centred still but the shopping tag "image?" to not fill the full width of the container (ie just sits to the width of the value with a little padding)



So basically it will look like this but centred:



Were you able to find a fix to this, please? I have been looking for the same for while now, with no luck.

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Firstly, I am a Japanese speaker and do not speak English, so I am posting by translating Japanese sentences. Please forgive me if there are parts that are difficult to understand.

I am using TRUNG SKIN v1.3. In order to use it in a Japanese environment, I want to fix the display of the part enclosed in the image. I want to solve this by either making the overall text smaller so that the display does not get cut off, or by expanding the displayable range itself. However, I do not know where the code to edit this part is.

In the case of staff, I edited the non-player personal details popup panel and solved it by making the font size of the age smaller.

I also posted on the skin thread, but there was no response, so please understand that I am posting here again.

スクリーンショット 2024-02-13 181738.jpg

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2 hours ago, らぱらさにゃん said:

Firstly, I am a Japanese speaker and do not speak English, so I am posting by translating Japanese sentences. Please forgive me if there are parts that are difficult to understand.

I am using TRUNG SKIN v1.3. In order to use it in a Japanese environment, I want to fix the display of the part enclosed in the image. I want to solve this by either making the overall text smaller so that the display does not get cut off, or by expanding the displayable range itself. However, I do not know where the code to edit this part is.

In the case of staff, I edited the non-player personal details popup panel and solved it by making the font size of the age smaller.

I also posted on the skin thread, but there was no response, so please understand that I am posting here again.

スクリーンショット 2024-02-13 181738.jpg

add this to panels/generic


    <container class="standard_popup_box">
        <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_alignment="horizontal" horizontal_inset="0" />

        <container class="inner_contrast_box_no_margin" id="pict" height="170">
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />

            <container class="parallax_effect_container" use_rotation="false">
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

                <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_alignment="horizontal" horizontal_inset="0" />

                <container id="Pdet">
                    <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_offset="4" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_alignment="horizontal" horizontal_inset="0" />
                    <widget class="player_personal_details_panel" id="deat" file="player/player personal details popup panel"  />

                <container id="Sdet" hidden="true">
                    <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange_autosize" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_alignment="horizontal" horizontal_inset="0" />
                    <widget class="non_player_personal_details_panel" id="deat" file="non_player/non player personal details popup panel"  />

bolded the line that controls the height for this it wil lalso effect staff popups, the larger you make it the more the picture moves up of the person also

popup information panel.xml

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21 hours ago, Olas Nick said:

1. to get rid of white text, you need to edit more than 1000 files, not just the configuration file. 

2. If I remember correctly, this is the card bg in the configuration file

Thank you! It worked :) not much white text left!

Having another issue at the moment. How to make the lines on the tactics pitch black? I've managed to edit the lines on player instructions, but couldn't fix the tactics pitch.

And how recolor the line of engagement and the text?

Skärmavbild 2024-02-15 kl. 13.41.53.png

Skärmavbild 2024-02-15 kl. 13.41.10.png

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3 hours ago, JustHowie said:

add this to panels/generic

bolded the line that controls the height for this it wil lalso effect staff popups, the larger you make it the more the picture moves up of the person also

popup information panel.xml 3.47 kB · 1 download

Thank you, it makes sense that I couldn’t find it no matter how much I searched! I’m convinced now. I’ll try various things with the file you provided!

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28 minutes ago, らぱらさにゃん said:

Thank you, it makes sense that I couldn’t find it no matter how much I searched! I’m convinced now. I’ll try various things with the file you provided!

I added the file you gave me earlier and changed the size of the area. The area expanded as I intended, but the lower half of the displayed text is cut off and is not fully displayed.

What should I do to fully display the data?

スクリーンショット 2024-02-15 223257.jpg

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57 minutes ago, らぱらさにゃん said:

I added the file you gave me earlier and changed the size of the area. The area expanded as I intended, but the lower half of the displayed text is cut off and is not fully displayed.

What should I do to fully display the data?

スクリーンショット 2024-02-15 223257.jpg

I'm at work I will be home in around 10 hours I will take another look if no one else finds the answer for you by then.


My only other guess would be to reduce the vertical off set in line 22 to 0

Or look at this file player/player personal details popup panel and make the layout can be adjusted 

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1 hour ago, JustHowie said:

I'm at work I will be home in around 10 hours I will take another look if no one else finds the answer for you by then.


My only other guess would be to reduce the vertical off set in line 22 to 0

Or look at this file player/player personal details popup panel and make the layout can be adjusted 

Thank you for your response despite your busy schedule.

First, the unfortunate news is that the “vertical offset in line 22 to 0” did not improve the situation.

Next, the good news. When I checked inside the TRUNG folder, I found that there was no such thing as the player/player personal details popup panel in the first place. So, I tried transplanting it from another skin (Dark Polish 24), and it started to display correctly.

The display of Dark Polish 24 is almost the same as the default skin, so I think it just happened to work well.

Normally, I would think that the display would be disrupted due to font specification and font size, so I don’t think this is a recommended solution for everyone. I recognize it as something like sticking duct tape on for now. ツ

I usually don’t touch this kind of code, so my head is full of question marks as to whether this was the right way to handle it, but for now, I think I’ll operate it as it is.

You really saved me. Thank you very much and Big Respect from Japan.

スクリーンショット 2024-02-16 014004.jpg

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6 hours ago, らぱらさにゃん said:

Thank you for your response despite your busy schedule.

First, the unfortunate news is that the “vertical offset in line 22 to 0” did not improve the situation.

Next, the good news. When I checked inside the TRUNG folder, I found that there was no such thing as the player/player personal details popup panel in the first place. So, I tried transplanting it from another skin (Dark Polish 24), and it started to display correctly.

The display of Dark Polish 24 is almost the same as the default skin, so I think it just happened to work well.

Normally, I would think that the display would be disrupted due to font specification and font size, so I don’t think this is a recommended solution for everyone. I recognize it as something like sticking duct tape on for now. ツ

I usually don’t touch this kind of code, so my head is full of question marks as to whether this was the right way to handle it, but for now, I think I’ll operate it as it is.

You really saved me. Thank you very much and Big Respect from Japan.

スクリーンショット 2024-02-16 014004.jpg

Glad you got it sorted! 

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56 minutes ago, Mancunianets said:

I added background selector to skin what I use from another one. It works but transparency regulator doesn't work. What could be the problem?

maybe you didnt copy over the graphics for the transparency regulator

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