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[FM20] all main non playing staff just quit on first year.


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hi guys, appreciate any help i could regarding this issue

i've recently started a new custom db for my country football league and cup.

 i have no issue with all the cups setting as everything run smooth. even the leagues pyramid seems going smooth. but i do face quite an annoying problem; all the staffs from teams in the top league seems to quit. all of them. i thought its just a temporary one season problem but it seems all the clubs in the top league is fine operating without any staff members for the next 3-4 season. infact any club that got promoted to the top league seems to face the same 'bug' (at this time, im just going to call it a programming bug). while the team that got relegated hire new staffs immediately at the start of next season. this only happen to AI control team. once my team got promoted to the top league in season 5, no staff from my club seems to quit on their own.

anyone face this situation in their custom db before?

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  • 3 weeks later...

it could be. i did resolve it somehow tho.. a minor tweak at the minimum amount of acceptable losses did the trick. now all i have to do is keep track at the teams who always place themselves at the feet of relegation to see if its going to impact them in the long run. but now i'm facing a new problem..

i created three division league (div.1, div.2, div. 3) with two league stage each (stage 0=first round, stage 1=second round). i had no problem of importing the stats and results from stage 0 to 1 and the league as a whole works just fine. but the trouble seems to start when i try to qualify the teams after first round to other comp (a cup competition). it generate that "cant find enough teams to be created, 0 team found, 16 needed" error.

the funny thing about this error, it generate different result every time i did a test rules on each of this division league. (0 team found when i test rules div.1, 6 team found when doing test rules on div. 2, 11 team found when doing test rules on div. 3) i'm at lost here because technically all this three division run on a same league setting, apart from the promotion/relegation setting of course. i've tried "pulling" the qualified teams from the cup setting, tried to "push" the qualified team from the league setting and tried both but nothing to fix this unless i did 'get random teams from division' from the cup's team setting but thats just get random team from the league and not by teams league position.

appreciate it if anyone can shed some light to what i've might have done wrong

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