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Influence and relationship of the supporters on the team and players individually


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I think like there is an "influence of supporters on the board" and "relationship of the board with the supporter" on club vision there should be like in real life an :

1) New bar on dynamics


A New bar of satisfaction

 " Relationship with  the supporters" on the overview page . "( on dynamics) ( a new graphic bar )

Based on the perception of the overall Supporters on the team .

Based on  the monthly supporter review

( Squad grade on club vision)



2) New element of hapiness relationship with the supporters 

Also ( on dynamics) on the hapiness tab a " relationship with the supporters" for each first team players.

Based on the perception of the players on their relationship with the supporters. (See : relationship with the players hapiness bar on club vision) (see 3) )



3) Relationship with each players

And a " relationship with the players " (an  hapiness bar liké on dynamics but for the supporters on the club vision tab) on the supportes tab ( club vision) for each first team players .

Based on : performance, numbers of years at the club, desire to renew contract, refuse to renew his contract, favorite person at the club


4) Why

All of that with new interactions dialogues which would influence:

- influence on the supporters confidence grade

- The Squad grade for the supporters confidence

- Each players individual hapiness on dynamics

- transfers request (Bad relations with the fans

- Long terme commitement with the club (Great relations with the fans)

- team dynamics ( the New bar ) 1)

-favorite person at the club (these players would always have the support of the fans no matter the situations

This would help to strenghten the gameplay and interactions in football manager .The "team dynamics" tab and the supporters tab on club vision would get closer to realism because in real life the supporters who are not neutral ( like the media) or (rational, professionnal and discrete (like the board) represent a big influence in today's football not only on the manager but also the Squad and on each players individualy.


We can see that on social media where supporters if each club gobe his opinions on their favourite  team but also on each players individualy (youtube,twitter x,     tik tok, facebook,instagram ). But also on real life ( near the stadium with the fans interview, in the stadium with their praise or critics.

This would get the game Closer to reality because in today's game each players Can feel the opinions of the fans .

 We saw this this summer where players left clubs because of the Bad relation with the supporters (Messi an neymar)

Whereas some stay thanks to the fans and didnt accepte bigger offerts(oshimen,Modric)

Plus some players like Sergio ramos didnt accept Saudi arabia because of their relationship with their former club and the supporters.


This new features like the "influence of the supporter on the board" on the supporters tab would help to create more interconnexion of influence between the main club actor ( supporters ,players,manager,board) and realism.

It could trigger new interactions and push deeper the supporters features on club vision and the overall dynamics features on FM.

This is why i think the supporters should have an influence on the team as whole and on the players individually.



Edited by ytlmdg
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