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It often takes one click too many to do simple things


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This is going to be a long one.

Some things are great, like Calendar, Squad, Tactics, Club Vision, Finances, new Set Pieces are great...
Some things are repetitive and take too many clicks while some are completely unnecessary.

-Training - Coaches - Edit Coach Assignments
Why? What's the point of the step in-between? The "Edit Coach Assignments" screen should be what you get in the "Coaches" section. So, "Training - Coaches." End.

-During a match, you open Tactics - It DOES NOT open tactics. It opens squad list that does nothing, (it shows you a list of players and info you already had within the match screen) Tactics is closed on the left, and you have to open it again every match.
Why? Shouldn't "Tactics" be the biggest most important and most visible thing that opens right away when you click on the tiny button called "Tactics"?
It's not as bad as several years ago when someone decided it was smart to turn the pitch sideways when you opened Tactics, but it's almost as bad. Also make "Tactics" button bigger, not grey and inconspicuous.

-Suggested squad 1 day before the match: "Hey, I'm your assistant and this is the suggested squad for tomorrow, but this isn't correct since their fitness levels will change tomorrow, so I you should ask me again tomorrow before the match. I'll also bother you with this a day before every next match."
Hm...ok, instead of giving me this 1 day prior, give it to me tomorrow morning so I don't have to do it twice in 24 hours? Thanks. I just skip the "yesterday" suggestion every time, but it's bound to pause the game for nothing.

-Same thing pre-match, says it'll make, for example, "4 changes", but it doesn't show you it also rearranges your subs. Yes, it's logical it will do that if it picks from the subs, but you don't see how until you get to the tactics screen and then need to re-arrange stuff yourself anyway because now you don't have that versatile sub that also covers both of your fullbacks anymore.

-Training - Individual - Criticize/Praise - You trained well/not well - I'm glad you understand - End conversation.
One step too many, "I'm glad you understand + end conversation (summary)" should be merged and close the pop-up.

-Scouting - Players - Players in range...just give me players right away, and make the other  "UX knows what's good for you" things optional. Trust me, when I click on "Scouting" 9 times out of 10 I wanna see "Player search".

-Hiding U21/Reserves and U19/U18 behind 2 clicks within "Development Centre" until I change Staff Responsibilities and accept their individual trainings upon myself, and then after I do that, they're not in "Development Centre" anymore like it can't show them there anymore because "You are in control of one or more areas of the Under 21s, you've put this on yourself". Ooh, excuse me, my bad.

-Staff menu on the left - Shows Coaching Team, Recruitment Team, Medical Team.
Shows numbers and quality comparison, but if you wanna see who they actually are you have to click again, but it ONLY shows the senior coaches.
If you wanna see Reserve coaches you have to go to Reserves/U21 - Staff - drop menu.
If you wanna see what they do, you have to go to U21 - Training - Coaches - Edit coach assignments.
If you wanna see U19/18 coaches, you have to go to U18 - Staff - drop menu, and to see what they do you have to go to U18 - Training - Coaches - Edit coach assignments.
That's 6 separate menus, at least 2-3 click away each, to see all of your coaches and their responsibilities, you you gotta click approximately 12-15 times to see all of your coaches and what they do.
You can also see all of them in Staff - Overview - All, but that shows you nothing, just basic contract stuff, no stats, no assignments...

-Responsibilities - Overview is so overwhelmingly tiny and huge at the same time that I don't even wanna start talking about it. That page should contain bigger font submenus of all the other "Responsibility" drop downs. When I see it I just make confused Jackie Chan face and proceed to Board, Staff, etc...

-Medical Centre - Overview shows you all you need, if you go to Risk assessment and Current Injuries you'll see that same info again. Why?

-Training - Calendar, and then if it's the last week of the month 90% of your screen is useless greyed out data and you have to click again on the next month to see what's coming next week, that's 2 more seconds of your time than you'd need to spend on it.

-Training - Schedules - Select Schedule - Custom Schedules - click on a training session to change it - Pop Up appears with the same info but this time it tells you what training sessions do. Why isn't the pop-up (the one that tells you what each training session does) what it shows by default?




-Match day, Team Selection - Submit Team - Doesn't go straight to match, it shows you to what extent you have pleased your group of Karens, (Briefing Feedback) and then you have to click again to actually go into the process of entering the match where it shows you even more info you'd have wanted to know before even picking the team, not after.
Even if you use Instant Result, you still have to click one more time to proceed. (two more times, actually, first one being a confirmation you don't wanna use a match plan)

-Recruitment Meeting Something Something, basically goes like this every time:

-Here are the areas that need improvement - Ok - This area needs improvement - Ok - Alright now let's go to the suggestions - Ok - Here are the suggestions - Ok, next suggestion - Ok, next suggestion - Ok, next are the midfield improvements - Ok - Now, let's get to the suggestions - Ok - Ok, here is the first suggestion - Ok - Ok, here is the second suggestion - Ok - Now, let's see improvements in the attack since we lack depth in the attack - Ok - Ok, so here are our suggestions - Ok - Ok here is the first suggestion - Ok - Here is the second suggestion - Ok - Here is the third suggestion - Ok - That is all for today - Ok, end meeting - phew, finally...now, I wanna go do player search because it's fun. Finally. Scouting - Players - Players in range...d'oh.

Overall, more and more focus has been put on "Human Resource Management", and some needless UI/UX shenanigans rather than "FOOTBALL MANAGER".
Human Resource Manager 2024?
People Pleaser 2024?
HR Spreadsheet Master 2024?
I get that someone wanted to make things complicated because it's fun to make, but is it fun to play?

20 years ago you played the game and talked to your friends about being a football mastermind and winning the CL with your local team.
Now if you talk about the game, you say "Hey man, if I do this, do you think my players will be upset?"

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26 minutes ago, nimbleshadow said:

-Scouting - Players - Players in range...just give me players right away, and make the other  "UX knows what's good for you" things optional. Trust me, when I click on "Scouting" 9 times out of 10 I wanna see "Player search".


I never want to immediately see player search when I click on there, as I almost never ever use the player search. I prefer the scouting centre how it's set up just now. I never need to see 'player search' if I don't need it. 


29 minutes ago, nimbleshadow said:

Hiding U21/Reserves and U19/U18 behind 2 clicks within "Development Centre"

Again, I actually like this. I prefer having this as a totally separate section, particularly that first screen. Quick tip - There's a skin called 'SAS' that allows you to create bookmarks, so if you really want a one click option to look at each youth squad without taking over some training, you can use that. It's very handy. 

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8 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

Again, I actually like this. I prefer having this as a totally separate section, particularly that first screen. Quick tip - There's a skin called 'SAS' that allows you to create bookmarks, so if you really want a one click option to look at each youth squad without taking over some training, you can use that. It's very handy. 

Indeed, yet if you take responsibility for U18 individual training it's not in that section anymore - now it's on the left, so now if you like that section, but also like controlling U18 individual traits, you have to visit 2 different sections.

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5 hours ago, nimbleshadow said:

-During a match, you open Tactics - It DOES NOT open tactics. It opens squad list that does nothing, (it shows you a list of players and info you already had within the match screen) Tactics is closed on the left, and you have to open it again every match.
Why? Shouldn't "Tactics" be the biggest most important and most visible thing that opens right away when you click on the tiny button called "Tactics"?
It's not as bad as several years ago when someone decided it was smart to turn the pitch sideways when you opened Tactics, but it's almost as bad. Also make "Tactics" button bigger, not grey and inconspicuous.

I basically agree with the whole post, but THIS is one of the examples where I see changes being done for no positive reason whatsoever. I can not understand why they changed it to being like it is now, it is just a silly decision from someone who never played the game more than 2 matches. My only honest explanation is that they want to artificially increase the time players spend in game, and that's the reason why so many UI changes just made the game worse, more tedious and increased the number of clicks to access to the same info or do the same task that was previously accessible with just a couple of clicks. I can't really find another explanation.

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1 hour ago, el_manayer said:

My only honest explanation is that they want to artificially increase the time players spend in game

Same, thought it was either that or PC users having to share the features of touch/mobile version that has less screen real estate. Maybe it was a way to cut cost by avoiding creation of two completely different interfaces, yet on PC some UI elements are completely superfluous and waste time by adding extra steps.

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