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Tie the Deadline Day feature to league reputation, rather than being a fixed feature to specific leagues


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Hopefully this is a straightforward and clear one.

I can see in previous discussions here and in other areas (bug forum etc.) that people complain about the lack of a deadline day experience in their save, only to be told that their league (be it Welsh, Czech, whatever) doesn't feature it by design. I have seen the explanation that the leagues in real life don't see a flurry of reporting and activity, so neither do their virtual counterparts.

I strongly request that the feature is adapted to not be fixed to certain leagues only, and instead allows leagues to 'grow into' a position of having it through reputational growth. This reflects real life; nobody could tell you who was signing in the Saudi league five years ago, yet now it dominates media. China had a spell a number of years ago but has completely faded into obscurity.

By all means, lock in some leagues as having it regardless of reputational shifts if it helps maintain a level of stability in saves. However, if I spend forty years in a save turning the Welsh league into one that can compete in every European competition at once, surely I deserve a transfer deadline day experience that even the English Championship gets? Perhaps set a reputational level that matches up with the lower rated leagues that currently get this experience, and allow leagues that climb above it to have it - and like China, lose it again if they fall away.

The deadline day experience is a great feature that has benefitted the game since it was added, but as it stands it benefits some players far more than others, and also encourages players to avoid playing in countries off the beaten track, countries that your programmers, researchers etc. have spent a lot of effort putting together. I know that SI tracks how people play the game, but with features like this I wonder sometimes if the cart is leading the horse when SI reflects on nations that don't seem worth having in the game!

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