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Late developer

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What actually makes a player get the media description "late developer"? 
In this case there is barely any difference in attributes between age 21-26 and he is considered a late developer at 26. It's not like he started preforming much better on the pitch later either.




Edited by LeoFM
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SI haven't told us what constitutes a late developer and there has been no testing from the FM community yet so it's hard to say at this point.

He has seen some growth in a couple of attributes, what does his progress chart look like?

I'd be interested to see his attribute growth between 26-30.


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1 hour ago, Dotsworthy said:

SI haven't told us what constitutes a late developer and there has been no testing from the FM community yet so it's hard to say at this point.

He has seen some growth in a couple of attributes, what does his progress chart look like?

I'd be interested to see his attribute growth between 26-30.


The only two attributes he grew in between 21 and 26 was concentration (+2) and agility (+1). He actually lost more attributes than he gained, since he dropped in six technical attributes.

At 31 he looks actually worse than at 26 mostly because of the decline in physical attributes, also he is not considered a late developer anymore

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Unambitious personalities are not the best for development, it means the player has very low ambition, and their professionalism is not going to be particularly high either. So that might conflict with their development.

Originally players in FM would grow until 27-29 with 15-24 being their best years. My assumption is that late developers have a much better rate of development than normal between 25-29 but until we have the editor/IGE it's hard to quantify yet.

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