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Apply Data Hub Insights

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Hi all, 

I hope that you might be able to verify my thinking in applying insights from Data Hub. 

In a nutshell, I have started ok with a team projected to be in Top4 by the end of the season. 

My overall tactic is a 4-3-3. 

After six games I sit 9th in the table with 2 points away from the Top4. However, I have the feeling that I have underperformed, especially defensively. 



The Data Hub Insights seem to confirm the feeling. 

My defence looks shaky as I do have way less clearances as expected. 




The majority of my defensive actions happens in my own third. Although I loose the ball mainly in the final third of the pitch. 





So in essence, I do loose the ball high up the pitch, but only 'gain'/defend it in the final third of the pitch. 

Moreover, I have a very small number of overall defensive actions. 

Would the below remedy the situation ? 

Establish a Pressing Forward to gain possession higher of the pitch

Move Line of Engagement and Defensive higher up the pitch

Replace BWM/BBM with CM(S), since they press more often compared to BWM/BBM ? 

Apologies for this maybe stupid post, but this year I would really like to use the data hub, not only for the marginal gains, but to actually be most successful. 

Thanks ! 


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Looking at your tactic,  I am a bit curious about the reasoning for the defensive line to drop off more when you want to win the ball higher up the pitch and why for the more defensive minded defender CD(cover) to cover for a less attacking left side. To me, the right side with BWM(su) and WB(attack) needs more defensive cover compared to the left side. Apart from that, a 433 formation is not as well suited for a high pressing tactic due to the lone striker getting outnumbered in the middle by 2 CB and the GK but it can still work with a well thought out setup usually with a more aggressive midfielder to press much higher on the pitch like a pseudo second striker. The choice to put Anchorman in the DM slot might also open up too much gap between the midfield and defensive line with forward players and midfielders pressing high and the defensive line staying further back.

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So when you look at the data hub you need to try and put everything in context for example when you're in the quadrant where you make fewer blocks and clearances it doesn't necessarily mean that you're bad defensively it could be that you dominate possession and you can't perform blocks or clearances when you're in control of the ball so the first thing you need to look at is your possession numbers if it's high then you have nothing to worry about bit if it's low then you need to look for why that could be happening.

I wouldn't really worry too much about the defensive efficiency also because you're only 6 games in and you're almost in the middle for opposition conversion rate so that could still go back.

Your defensive action seems a bit weird since you're trying to press high. Look at the graph for possession gained to see where you are winning the ball back.

For context I'm playing a 433 like you and this are what my graph looks like which looks okay to me


Edited by DarJ
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Thank you for insights. The xG table is more or less accurate, actually less points than expected and more goals conceded than expected. I have gone back and looked at the goals and it seems that the issue still is, that my opponents march through my midfield. So, I have removed Drop More and change the Anchor to Defensive Midfielder. But now another issue popped up, my both main defenders are off :/ The october is a long month for me at Sampdoria. Thank you very much for your help ! 

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