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Tactic's Analysis screen with default tactic's DM's?

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Apologies if this has been mentioned before. I have been setting up tactic's using the Preset 5-2-1-2 and 5-2-3 formations, I noticed that the central midfielders in these default formations have now been set to Defensive Midfield positions? when I pick my team and check the little tactic analysis screen there are red warning areas all over the midfield? when I move the DM's back to the CM positions all is green and well again. should I ignore the red squares on the analysis screen on the default formations and leave them in the DM position? or move them back to CM? just seems strange that the preset formations show glaring danger areas on the pitch?

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7 minutes ago, chewbaccaloveaddiction said:

Yes ignore the red squares.

In FM23 SI reworked double pivots and changed them to DM by default. In FM23 double DM performed much better than double CM in 4231 or 424 formations.

Many thanks Sir! :thup:

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3 hours ago, shakey.bridge said:

Apologies if this has been mentioned before. I have been setting up tactic's using the Preset 5-2-1-2 and 5-2-3 formations, I noticed that the central midfielders in these default formations have now been set to Defensive Midfield positions? when I pick my team and check the little tactic analysis screen there are red warning areas all over the midfield? when I move the DM's back to the CM positions all is green and well again. should I ignore the red squares on the analysis screen on the default formations and leave them in the DM position? or move them back to CM? just seems strange that the preset formations show glaring danger areas on the pitch?

Report it as a bug so they see it and fix it.

Edited by dzek
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