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[Suggestion] New set-up option besides 'playable' and 'view-only' for faster processing while using the realistic in-depth match engine


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What am trying to suggest is the option for a realistic save by using the in-depth advanced match engine, just like when you set up leagues as 'playable', but with the only difference that it does not create/load up goals and thus you cannot re-watch matches and highlights from the leagues you've selected, which in return should give FASTER PROCESSING but the game would still use the in-depth match engine so results will be more realistic and everything will be taken into account, unlike the quick-sim match engine that calculates results based on team and league/nation reputation with a slight chance of a surprise result like it is currently the case with leagues set on 'view only'.

To make it clear and to the point; I suggest another option besides 'Playable' and 'View-Only' that is in between those options, using the in-depth match engine (and just like setting up on playable where the AI makes more transfers, coaches are fired and new ones are hired = teams dont get abandoned/empty, every team has plenty of newgens, and everything is more realistic overall including league tables and stats). The goal of this set-up is FASTER PROCESSING but getting the in-depth match engine with slightly less details (no re-watching of highlights, goals and matches).

Maybe it would also be a good idea to rename the different set-ups, something like;

Very Advanced: which would be like setting a save as 'Playable' is today.

Advanced: which would be my suggestion here; selected leagues are playable (so you can coach there when fired or doing a journeyman) and it also uses the in-depth match engine but you cant re-watch matches, goals and highlights which i believe would result in faster processing.

Basic: The 'View Only' as we know it today.

Im hoping for a day when we won't need a high-end laptop/PC with a top processor to be able to load a big amount of leagues/nations while using the in-depth match engine (and everything else that increases realism when setting a league on playable today's time) with processing times that are much quicker. *Please note that cloud gaming is not for everyone, as i personally like to add real club logos and other add-ons to increase realism. Cloud gaming is NOT the solution.

Thank you for considering.

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Hey @Graeme Kelly. I just saw your comment under the FM24 benchmark thread and noticed that you are one of the specialists involved in the processing speed of the game. Maybe my suggestion can be of interest for you for future FM's. I dont want to bother you in any way and i appreciate all the work and improvements you've done so far, but maybe my suggestion can be useful and thus i wanted to tag you as you seem the man in charge of processing. If my idea is rubbish no worries, i just thought it was good to share my idea/suggestion, you never know it could be useful for you guys :brock: Thanks

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