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New and Dynamic Income Streams - A bug, a mess or a completely unexplained feature/cash grab?

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Following the announcement of new and dynamic income streams expectations were raised for this release, particularly for the Build a Nation enthusiasts of the player base. Having had to make do with barely changing income streams despite taking our local clubs to Champions League glory for far too long. Excited to learn more about these new income streams, the fixed TV deals and beyond, I dove into a simulation in my country of Norway to find out how things would change over the years. 

I simulated just over 10 seasons, having primed the Norwegian teams for success with boosted players and staff, in both FM 23 and FM24 to compare and learn the differences. Here's the results (currency is British pound):


Starting Reputation: 133

First season winner's TV income from the league: 897k 

First season winner's Prize money from the league: 1,6m

Total: 2,5m


Highest Reputation: 161 (League ranking: 5)

Winner's TV Income: 1,4m

Winner's Prize money: 2,9m

Total: 4,3m


Starting Reputation: 135

First season winner's TV income from the league: 364k

First season winner's Prize money from the league: 4,5m

Total: 4,9m


Reputation: 161 (League ranking: Also 5)

Winner's TV Income: 960k

Winner's Prize money: 6,2m

Total: 7,1m


Out of curiosity I also checked how these new and improved dynamisms would affect a falling giant, so I did the inverse experiment with the Bundesliga. Starting with a slightly higher reputation in FM24 with 173 to FM23's 169, the TV and Prize money totalled out to the same 92m in the first season. At 137 reputation in FM23 this had become 52m, and with the closest reputation I got in FM24 at 139, it had become 58m.

So my question is what's changed? Where are these new and dynamic income streams, the increased fluctuation, the added dynamism and intrigue? It all seems the same to me accounting for the slight difference in reputation and the fact Norway starts way better off in FM24. Even searching through the pre-game editor I can't find anything referencing new income streams or these fixed-length TV deals. 

The Bundesliga appear to have the exact same configuration and is certainly behaving like it. Outside the wealth of the Top 5 this means we still can't ever have our revenue reflect our success without serious intervention with the editor, unless you start in a league so low in reputation that it gets automatically added at 100 rep. But then you have the issue of suddenly earning too much money and that's not that fun either. And yes, I did check to confirm this still behaves the same as well. Raising the Gibraltar league to somewhere around 170 reputation gave it north of 150m in TV income, just like in FM23. 

What changed? Did we get a slightly more stylish e-mail to read every few seasons, is that all? 



Edited by trviggo
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