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Female players experimenting


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I've started playing around with the new female options in the pre-game editor and loading it into the game (which I know this is not something that is intended).

I've done two experiments just to test some things out:

1. I created the WSL and filled it with female gendered clubs with the "add players to playable teams" options ticked. This crashed the game while loading the database.
2. I tried doing the same but without "add players to playable teams" which had the same result.
3. I created the WSL as a secondary division. Since the teams I added to it are not playable, the game generated grayed-out players in all teams. The game crashes on July 22nd 2023, which is exactly one week before the teams play their first friendlies. 

Although the game crashes a lot (sorry for all the crash reports SI), the fact the game actually generated grayed-out female players is pretty cool. It's not every day you see a screenshot like this. If anyone does any more experiments on this, please respond to this thread. Should be fun to see what you could "get away with" in the game regarding this female players.



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