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What, if anything, does 'Team Fluidity' do?

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I know this has been discussed before, and the consensus seems to have been that 'Team Fluidity' is simply a label given to a tactic depending on how many support duties there are.

However, the game itself suggests that 'Team Fluidity' has an impact on the team's creative freedom.

Here is my tactical familiarity for my regular tactic:


And here is what it looks like when I change the fluidity from flexible to very fluid (the only change being the two attack duties are now support duties, nothing else has changed at all):


So does 'Team Fluidity' actually affect the team? Are your individual players given more creative freedom if the shape is very fluid, for example?

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My impression is that when there is more fluidity the individual characteristics of players (eg: traits) emerge more clearly. Which would make sense, the more fluidity the system is, the freer are the players to interpret their roles. I know most people think it is just a label, but to me there makes no much sense. It's not easy to spot, but my impression by watching the game is that everything becomes more fluid when the tactic is fluid, movement, exchange of positions, pressing.... and so on. 

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Team fluidity refers to how a team or its players coordinate and share tasks during a match. Match tasks typically involve defending, attacking, and transitioning between the two. Support duties contribute to both attacking and defending, while attacking and defending duties are more inclined towards tasks associated with either attacking or defending.

A highly specific tactical system that dictates each player's tasks during a match is considered rigid, with very rigid fluidity representing an extreme form of this. This level of rigidity indicates a high degree of specialization in how tasks are meant to be executed during the game. Such a tactical setup assigns specific players to attack or defend, with a few players contributing to both through support duties. Increased discipline ensures players adhere to their designated duties and positional instructions. Rigidity can be effective if there is a clear plan for attacking or defending and if players possess attributes suited to their respective roles.

On the other hand, acknowledging that not everything can be fully planned in advance and trusting players to handle emerging situations during matches characterizes a more fluid approach. This is achieved by assigning more support duties, allowing players to determine how to react to different scenarios and tasks. Fluid systems grant players the autonomy to decide when to attack, retain possession, press, or retreat during all phases of play, including transitions. This increased fluidity in task resolution empowers players to choose the most suitable option based on the situation, which is termed as fluid or very fluid in the game. Such fluidity can be suitable when players possess attributes that contribute to multiple aspects of the game (universalists/generalists). Prominent managers like Pep Guardiola, Jurgen Klopp, and Mikel Arteta employ fluid tactics, which demand versatility from players and the ability to perform various tasks.

Sitting between rigid and fluid tactical styles is the flexible approach, which combines elements of both approaches to solve tasks. Fine-tuning this flexibility toward rigidity or fluidity can be achieved through tactical instructions (TIs) and player instructions (PIs).

The label 'team fluidity' describes how your tactics are designed to handle tasks in accordance with the aforementioned approaches. This should serve as a guideline for your current tactical setup, aligning with your vision of how you want your team to play.

Consider the following match situations:

Scenario A) In a rigid tactical system, a player in a better position for a run behind the opposition's defense line might not be instructed to make the attacking run if not assigned the attacking duty. This rigidity can hinder the team's performance, contrasting the facilitation of the run if the best-positioned player were on attacking duty.

Scenario B) In a fluid tactical system, players on support duty are allowed to decide who makes the attacking run based on their situational assessment and football intelligence, potentially increasing the chances of the best-positioned player making the run. Additionally, the player best suited for finishing off the move can be considered for the run.

I consider fluidity as a crucial aspect of tactical styles. This descriptive label signifies how you have structured your team to play and handle tasks during matches. While it may be premature to draw conclusions, my impression of FM24 suggests that fluid systems are better suited for collective-oriented tactics, potentially enhancing collective pressing and the flow of passes. Players' reactions are more versatile, making this style well-suited for gameplay centered on teamwork and collective behavior."

Edited by cmonreds
Better language, chat GTP used
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2 hours ago, DNZ-8 said:

My impression is that when there is more fluidity the individual characteristics of players (eg: traits) emerge more clearly. Which would make sense, the more fluidity the system is, the freer are the players to interpret their roles. I know most people think it is just a label, but to me there makes no much sense. It's not easy to spot, but my impression by watching the game is that everything becomes more fluid when the tactic is fluid, movement, exchange of positions, pressing.... and so on. 

Fully agree with you on this.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 08/11/2023 at 17:37, DNZ-8 said:

My impression is that when there is more fluidity the individual characteristics of players (eg: traits) emerge more clearly. Which would make sense, the more fluidity the system is, the freer are the players to interpret their roles. I know most people think it is just a label, but to me there makes no much sense. It's not easy to spot, but my impression by watching the game is that everything becomes more fluid when the tactic is fluid, movement, exchange of positions, pressing.... and so on. 

Can this be confirmed by an insider? It would be logical if it'd work that way.

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Team fluidity is largely only used by the AI to set up formations with respect to AI managers attributes. It’s of no significant value to human created tactics and only serves to illustrate the balance of attack, defend and support duties. None of what @cmonreds said is relevant anymore. The last time fluidity played any role was back in the early days of the tactical creator when it was useful to explain how the balance of duties would impact transitions. An official response from SI has been made multiple times on fluidity on the forums which support what I say, and these can be discovered using the forum search tools. It doesn’t impact how traits work etc, that’s purely conjecture.

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56 minutes ago, Rashidi said:

Team fluidity is largely only used by the AI to set up formations with respect to AI managers attributes. It’s of no significant value to human created tactics and only serves to illustrate the balance of attack, defend and support duties. None of what @cmonreds said is relevant anymore. The last time fluidity played any role was back in the early days of the tactical creator when it was useful to explain how the balance of duties would impact transitions. An official response from SI has been made multiple times on fluidity on the forums which support what I say, and these can be discovered using the forum search tools. It doesn’t impact how traits work etc, that’s purely conjecture.


Well that's 10 minutes of my life I can't get back.

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1 hour ago, Rashidi said:

Team fluidity is largely only used by the AI to set up formations with respect to AI managers attributes. It’s of no significant value to human created tactics and only serves to illustrate the balance of attack, defend and support duties. None of what @cmonreds said is relevant anymore. The last time fluidity played any role was back in the early days of the tactical creator when it was useful to explain how the balance of duties would impact transitions. An official response from SI has been made multiple times on fluidity on the forums which support what I say, and these can be discovered using the forum search tools. It doesn’t impact how traits work etc, that’s purely conjecture.

Does it work the same with Individual Mentality? When you change the Mentality, the individual changes too. Is that still relevant, or does it come down to player role and duty? 

Example: Does it effect when you up your Team Mentality to increase Individual Mentality and therefore how a player acts on the pitch in their selected role? 

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3 hours ago, Brian said:

Example: Does it effect when you up your Team Mentality to increase Individual Mentality and therefore how a player acts on the pitch in their selected role? 

Yes it still does team mentality is basically a risk modifier, each role and duty will be affected in some way when team mentality is adjusted.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 28/11/2023 at 11:46, Rashidi said:

Team fluidity is largely only used by the AI to set up formations with respect to AI managers attributes. It’s of no significant value to human created tactics and only serves to illustrate the balance of attack, defend and support duties. None of what @cmonreds said is relevant anymore. The last time fluidity played any role was back in the early days of the tactical creator when it was useful to explain how the balance of duties would impact transitions. An official response from SI has been made multiple times on fluidity on the forums which support what I say, and these can be discovered using the forum search tools. It doesn’t impact how traits work etc, that’s purely conjecture.

I thought that was the case, as I'm sure I read somewhere a few years ago that it was just a label. My only doubt was that a change in 'team fluidity' still impacts your team's familiarity when it comes to creative freedom. It seems strange that your team would become less familiar with the creative freedom demanded of them if the 'team fluidity' had no impact at all on creative freedom.

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6 часов назад, ryandormer сказал:

Я думал, что это так, поскольку уверен, что где-то несколько лет назад читал, что это всего лишь ярлык. Я сомневался только в том, что изменение "текучести команды" по-прежнему влияет на привычку вашей команды к свободе творчества. Кажется странным, что ваша команда стала бы менее знакомой с требуемой от них творческой свободой, если бы "текучесть команды" вообще не влияла на творческую свободу.

This is an interface bug.

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  • 3 months later...
Il 7/12/2023 in 04:04 , bahmet ha scritto:

Questo è un bug dell'interfaccia.

it's not a bug, creativity/discipline raises or lowers fluidity.

if you have 100% familiarity in Fluid level, and you lower it to flexible level the familiarity drops

However, if you then activate the "more creativity" instruction you bring fluency back to a fluid level, and therefore familiarity returns to 100%

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I'm going to go one step further and really boggle your minds... If you set up a tactic to be Fluid, for example, but then use personalized roles to make roles defensive or attacking, it doesn't change your fluidity...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Team fluidity on fm24 has impact as far as I can understand watching the game. The more fluid your team shape is, the more unpredictable your side will be. Also, in very fluid team shape I can see my players pressing more. The question is. Does very fluid shape combine well with be more disciplined TI?

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16 minutes ago, zgiorgos10 said:

Team fluidity on fm24 has impact as far as I can understand watching the game. The more fluid your team shape is, the more unpredictable your side will be. Also, in very fluid team shape I can see my players pressing more. The question is. Does very fluid shape combine well with be more disciplined TI?

As said above, Team Fluidity just counts the number of Attack, Support and Defend duties you use - nothing more.

If you notice differences in how your team plays it’s down to that role/duty selection.  Feel free to use “be more disciplined” if that’s how you desire your team to play, but don’t base your use of it on fluidity.

imo it’s time to remove the “Team Fluidity” label once and for all (something I asked for when the change came in) because it just causes unnecessary confusion.

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Il 28/11/2023 in 12:46 , Rashidi ha scritto:

La fluidità della squadra viene in gran parte utilizzata solo dall'IA per impostare formazioni rispetto agli attributi dei manager dell'IA. Non ha alcun valore significativo per le tattiche create dall'uomo e serve solo a illustrare l'equilibrio tra i compiti di attacco, difesa e supporto. Niente di tutto ciò@cmonreds detto non è più rilevante. L'ultima volta che la fluidità ha avuto un ruolo è stato agli albori del creatore tattico, quando era utile spiegare come l'equilibrio dei compiti avrebbe influenzato le transizioni. Una risposta ufficiale da SI è stata data più volte sulla fluidità nei forum che supportano ciò che dico, e questi possono essere scoperti utilizzando gli strumenti di ricerca del forum. Non influisce sul funzionamento dei tratti, ecc., sono puramente congetture.


we always talk about fluidity in reference to the ball possession phase, but I wonder if it also affects the non-possession phase, for example with more fluidity is it more likely that a player will cover the position of his teammate who is out of position?

considering then that all team and player instructions related to fluidity are found in the ball possession department

More discipline - creativity (team possession)
Hold position - freedom of movement (when team has the ball)

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3 hours ago, Creazymanager said:


we always talk about fluidity in reference to the ball possession phase, but I wonder if it also affects the non-possession phase, for example with more fluidity is it more likely that a player will cover the position of his teammate who is out of position?

considering then that all team and player instructions related to fluidity are found in the ball possession department

More discipline - creativity (team possession)
Hold position - freedom of movement (when team has the ball)

Sorry to be that guy but read the post above yours…..

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