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Bugs: Team Selection. Player Search. Injuries

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A couple of bugs found following the first season I’ve played: Tried to up load to the bugs thread but you have to upload the game (not sure how) etc. Not as simple as a post.


  1. Saving games: Be careful, it doesn’t always save. I’ve Played a few matches, saved the game afterwards. Left / turned it off and I’ve then had to replay the game where it didn’t save. 
  2. Team Save Selection: It doesn’t save the team selection as you want (Ie if you said “A Team 4231”. Just saves it as whatever formation and whatever team.
  3. Team Save Selection: I try to save a certain XI and then when you go to load it, it randomly selects the team. Ie puts the GK up front, brings subs on etc. 
  4. Player filter / loading a search: It doesn’t save your search. Ie if you save a specific search as “defenders” it just says FM search 2 etc. 
  5. There is a frustrating amount of injuries on this game….I get its apart of the sport. But every week someone is picking up injuries. Possibly double/triple the injuries to the last games


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