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Help understand what is wrong with my tactic

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I am struggling with my tactic. As the image shows I am playing as Man Utd. and all jokes aside I know that they are not a top team anymore. Therefore I dont expect to win everything and I dont mind the realism of loosing home to the button side of the league even if they only got one shot at goal against mine 10 or so.. thats football :-) But I would like to get some stability and be able to play better than "minor" teams most of the time.. I created this tactic with the help from "rate my tactic" and it performed well (even good) a few matches but then it stopped "working again.. I won home against Liverpool 2-0 with them having only a few shots at goal.. but I also lost away against Wolves and Bournemouth and only pulled a draw 1-1 against the button side Fulham.. I do not expect to win against Liverpool and Man city as they are far better sides but I would like to perform better overall and especially against teams in the button half of the table.. I was dominated by Bournemouth and my team seemed passive and kept loosing the ball.. I am aware that my tactic is not good but I am struggling to find out whats the problem?

I have two "versions" but thet are basically the same as only DM and RCM changes slightly.. 

The instructions are in danish:

In possession:

Shorter passing, play out of defence, run against defence, work ball into space


Roll it out, distribute quickly

out of possession:

High pressure, Much more urgent


Could someone please help me understand what is good and bad with this tactic? I mean, I worked fine against Liverpool and others so something must be good, But overall it does not perform well and I dont understand why.. 






Skærmbillede 2023-11-10 kl. 15.35.44.png

Skærmbillede 2023-11-10 kl. 15.53.29.png

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My recommendation would be to review how you are conceding chances/goals. Where are you players positioned when you lose posession?

I'm wondering if you are conceding goals on the counter? Lower ability teams will likely look to soak up the pressure and hit you on the break, and a ball winning midfielder is poor at holding position. playing on positive you may find that you have a lot of players far up the pitch when you lose the ball

I'm no expert but if that is the case  you could try balanced instead of positive when away from home, or using a halfback to drop in and help the centre backs?

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29 minutes ago, arthurbf10 said:

What are the roles? Can't read danish 

my bad :-)

                                                                     Deep laying forward (a)


           Inverted forward (a).                                                                                            Winger (s)


                                                      Box to box (s).         Advanced playmaker (a)


                                                                   Ball winning midfield (s)


Inverted wing back (s).    Ball playing defender (st)   Central defender (d).     Inverted wing back (s)


                                                                       Sweeper keeper (s)



And in the other version the DM is Ball winning midfield (d) and RCM is Mezzala (a)

Edited by daniel700
missed something...
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45 minutes ago, Sheppy12 said:

My recommendation would be to review how you are conceding chances/goals. Where are you players positioned when you lose posession?

I'm wondering if you are conceding goals on the counter? Lower ability teams will likely look to soak up the pressure and hit you on the break, and a ball winning midfielder is poor at holding position. playing on positive you may find that you have a lot of players far up the pitch when you lose the ball

I'm no expert but if that is the case  you could try balanced instead of positive when away from home, or using a halfback to drop in and help the centre backs?

I find it kinda hit or miss at the moment even thou it might be a little more stable since I posted the above.. Its like all opponents have like a "second gear" so they are able to dominate me and my players are just chasing around without getting the ball.. and if I try to press more and push forward they just play over my defence and if I sted down a notch they just dribble right through my defence and score "easy goals" or shoot from the range and score that way.. and other games I am able to keep a fair amount of possession and create chances.. I guess what I need is a "plan B and plan C".. one if I am being pushed around and one if I am i control but not creating enough good chances but only long range poor chances.. I dont know what to change in case of my tactic does not play out as wanted.. I will take a look at goals conceded with your advice in mind.. thank you

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I never play 4-3-3 although i make a few guesses.

Your much more intense pressing produces openings for the other side

Roll out quick is a source of errors as it gives the ball to players in bad positions/under pressure

Running at the defence and work ball into space seem counterintuitive to me

I never use Ballplaying Defenders in a CD postion but only for Anchorman or Deep Playmaker in the DM position as BPD are more errorprone than CDs imo especially when moving forward instead of backward like the Anchorman or DLP.

Moving a defnder forward will produce openings for the other side while having the Anchorman or DLP on defense will cover openings.

Have you tried a Targetman instead a DLA? I dont see the advatage of a DLA in that formation as to me it looks like your offensive center is not covered well.

Avoid playing thorugh the center to much

Goalkeepers decide wining or losing more than in any FM b4 - if he has bad form you will suffer...

That are a few questions and experiences that come to my mind...


I can not get you a working 4-3-3 as i only use the 4-1-3-2 system that is setup to replicate my interpetation of a 3-5-2 style.

I find Wingers the most ueless player a team can nominate to play while i adore good Wingbacks that cover their sides bottom to top!

Edited by Etebaer
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I play the same 433 but some of the roles I use are slightly different. I have Casemiro as a DM, either D or S depending on the opposition. In addition to that I have Wan Bissaka as an IFB-D at RB. If that’s a bit too conservative for you it might be worth putting him as an IWB-D rather than S.

I have Rashford or Garnacho as a W-A at LW, just have never really got on with IF-A. As for up front, I’m using Rashford or Hojlund as an AF-A.

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Thanks to both of you @Etebaer and @saware.

As I wrote I have been struggling a lot with tactics every year, and I still try to understand what different instructions actually means :-) Therefore I will take your advices into account and try to figure out what to change and what to keep. As I mentioned the above tactics is done with the help on "rate my tactic" and they should be fine :-) however, they are not as good as I wish.. Especially against high pressing opponents or top teams.. I know Man utd is no longer the club it used to be, but I expect some kind of stability throughout the season and only struggle against the top 4-5 teams.. Now I can win against Liverpool and loose against Bournemouth (no offence) but the point is that I always find the matches on the edge and never feel really comfortably during matches.. 

But my choices are based on some ideas and checked with rate my tactic. I am not against changing something or everything for that matter, I just need to understand why and when which is why I need to test your advices "step by step" wise.. 


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@daniel700 I think that Milenkovic isn't fast enough or anticipates enough for cover, try using a defend-defend combo to your central defenders. Also are you sure you want winger for Anthony? You basically instruct him to go for the byline and he's left footed, this position doesn't fit him at all, either use a right-footed player there, like Mount, or change to role to inverted winger which will give the opposition one more reason to worry about. Shaw is also a clear "touch line" player, wing back would suit him way more than inverted one.

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