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HALP! (see screenshots for the location of distress)

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Basically when opposing teams hug the byline (or a couple of meters close to it), my defensive shape becomes a mash of defenders piled up behind penalty spot, effectively leaving HUGE spaces beyond penalty spot and in/around the box for other players to latch onto.

I don't see the same happening to me with AI - the defenders somewhat disperse more homogenously around the penalty box. See for yourselves in 1st and 2nd SSs how Juventus slotted their goal in (I am one man down there but that hardly changes when my team is fully up on the pitch):

3rd, 4th and 5th screenshots are those of my tactic. I did the treble in my 1st season, including Conference League Cup and did the double in my 2nd. This is my 3rd season but somehow I am always plagued by this ugly menace.

Please HALP!

Thanks in advance.







Edited by Pretended
added moar screenshots
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Hi @Pretended, this is a known issue and we wish SI fix it asap because it produces some dumb goals and also this happen only against us, the players. So AI here have an advantage most of the times.


Edited by dzek
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