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Suggestions, International Football Academys/Camps


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While playing with Borussia Dortmund, I noticed that I have a partner club called BVB International Academy North Texas, which is nice, but it's just been implemented without any care. And to be honest, BVB North Texas is pretty superfluous because they won't produce any good NewGen that I can use in the Bundesliga. 

That's why I have the following suggestion:

The implementation of football academies. This could look like this: You choose a continent, then you have a country list where you have different information like population, football popularity, which other clubs would have an academy there, or local top clubs etc. then you click on the country, and you get a list of some cities that are suitable. And then you could choose a place and open an academy.

Depending on which clubs are based in the same city or other clubs have an academy, the chances of attracting very talented players could be high or low. (Which could change depending on your club's Rep.)

e.g. in Madrid this would be low because there are 2 very big clubs based there.
In Casablanca, you would have better chances, especially if you are a club with a high reputation. 

If you then have an academy, then you can hold a Youth Camp (every 6 month) to attract talented youth Players. You get a list of players (NewGens), who could be aged 10 or so.
And you pick the Players, which then train in the academy.
In the academies you can then set a focus on what the training specializes in, technical, mental, tactical skills or balanced.

Then when a player turns 16 and has enough potential, you can sign him, and he then plays in the club's U18 team.

This way, you could replicate the International youth recruitment since nowadays, almost every top club has a football academy somewhere in the world.
And of course setting up an International Academy is quite expansive, so don't even think about being a Non-League Club with Academies all over the World :D

Edited by GreatMarinho
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