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[FM24] From Argentina to The Azulgranas


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Record Book
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End-of-Season Placement

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Table of Contents

Season One

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Made some errors when typing this out because I was super tired, should be fixed now! :) I'm also not the best at storytelling at times, so my writing might seem a bit weird with that element as I wasn't sure what to put at that part. I'll be mostly talking in the first person now, the narrator style doesn't fit the type of blogging I want to do except for story instances. Anyway, I'm going through the squad and I'll post a write up later today about it. Stay tuned!

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Introduction to Tactical Overview
Alright, let's talk a bit about what I want this team to look like. When starting this save, I was inspired by Diego Simeone and how his system works at Atletico Madrid.  The problem is, I was never really good at creating tactics. Usually, I would download my tactics or let FM do the work for me. This save would be different. I was finally going to study a bit about tactics and try to replicate my findings on Football Manager. Thankfully, my job was made a bit easier because of a great write-up by @GCVS00 on Simone Inzaghi's 3-5-2 at Inter which shares many similarities to Simeone's 3-5-2 at Atletico Madrid. 

The Heart of the System

Our forwards are like the brain. Roles can be easily changed depending on what type of player I have in my squad and can be messed around without causing chaos. On the other hand, our midfielders and defenders are like the skeleton. With one change every part of our team may be jeopardized. The starting formation has two wing-backs covering 3 defenders while our midfield trio is stationed right above them. This part of the formation aims to provide a sturdy wall against our opponents' attack. But what about when the supporting wing back pushes upward? Well, that's when the shape changes! The other winger will look to stay back with their defensive counterparts while the wide center-back slots in for the lost wingback. The mezzala will gain space on the right as almost a pseudo-winger creating a 4-4-2.

The Instructions

As for the instructions, I wanted to keep it fairly simple. The most obvious instruction is the mid-block, a fundamental piece of Simeone's 3-5-2. I should note that a low-block is also used commonly in real life and I might test it out during a few games to see if it makes any noticeable changes to my gameplan. Other than that, I made sure my team was playing at a high intensity, running at the defense and being on the counter whether possession had been won or lost. I also want our play to start through the defense, as that is the part of the pitch I am prioritizing with this system. Speaking of the defense, I'm aiming for lower-scoring games with fewer goals conceded. While a system like the gengenpress is beautiful attacking-wise, it does not have nearly as much defense structure. In short, I am looking for low-scoring high intestity wins, not goals galore.

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11 hours ago, fslashz said:


Introduction to Tactical Overview
Alright, let's talk a bit about what I want this team to look like. When starting this save, I was inspired by Diego Simeone and how his system works at Atletico Madrid.  The problem is, I was never really good at creating tactics. Usually, I would download my tactics or let FM do the work for me. This save would be different. I was finally going to study a bit about tactics and try to replicate my findings on Football Manager. Thankfully, my job was made a bit easier because of a great write-up by @GCVS00 on Simone Inzaghi's 3-5-2 at Inter which shares many similarities to Simeone's 3-5-2 at Atletico Madrid. 

The Heart of the System

Our forwards are like the brain. Roles can be easily changed depending on what type of player I have in my squad and can be messed around without causing chaos. On the other hand, our midfielders and defenders are like the skeleton. With one change every part of our team may be jeopardized. The starting formation has two wing-backs covering 3 defenders while our midfield trio is stationed right above them. This part of the formation aims to provide a sturdy wall against our opponents' attack. But what about when the supporting wing back pushes upward? Well, that's when the shape changes! The other winger will look to stay back with their defensive counterparts while the wide center-back slots in for the lost wingback. The mezzala will gain space on the right as almost a pseudo-winger creating a 4-4-2.

The Instructions

As for the instructions, I wanted to keep it fairly simple. The most obvious instruction is the mid-block, a fundamental piece of Simeone's 3-5-2. I should note that a low-block is also used commonly in real life and I might test it out during a few games to see if it makes any noticeable changes to my gameplan. Other than that, I made sure my team was playing at a high intensity, running at the defense and being on the counter whether possession had been won or lost. I also want our play to start through the defense, as that is the part of the pitch I am prioritizing with this system. Speaking of the defense, I'm aiming for lower-scoring games with fewer goals conceded. While a system like the gengenpress is beautiful attacking-wise, it does not have nearly as much defense structure. In short, I am looking for low-scoring high intestity wins, not goals galore.

Thank you for the shoutout. Excited to see how this goes!

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Decided to just get rid of the unneeded introduction altogether and add a table of contents and record book at the start instead! If you like stories in blogs this might not be the blog for you. If you like tactical and statistical analysis, then you should join me on this trip! The next update is today or tomorrow!

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The save got corrupted and I didn't have a backup.

  • I went semi-far enough to where restarting doesn't feel right.
  • I had to can the Season 1 write-up I was in the process of
  • Feel a bit cheated doing the design work only for it to go nowhere


  • The experience taught me how to write on this website and what I want my style to be like. I feel more comfortable.
  • Lots of people I follow and enjoy are doing Building a Nation saves (non-top 7 league saves) and I have been jealous/anxious to do a save like them. The idea has always excited me (especially because I love watching Second Yellow Card).
  • I have also been excited to start a more stat's driven save and philosophy when playing which I don't think I could properly execute at Huesca
  • This allows me to do YouTube Yearly Recap videos in a comedic manner whilst still blogging about the strategical parts here. I'm really excited for the YouTube part and it should bring me a bit of money

I think the positives outweigh the negatives on this one. Expect a true F/Z story soon (as in today or tomorrow) with YouTube involvement. This was like the test-run, let's make magic happen now. I'm sorry to the few people who followed this but at the same I time I think the Simeone tactic write-up was still fun, even if this wasn't the right part of the forum for it.


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