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What is the correct way to deal with this?

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On the back of a defeat to Ason Villa who are 2nd with us (Liverpool in first). Nunez had a pretty bad game and has been in poor form for the last 3/4 matches. I pulled him up on it and he agrees he's not been playing well. The options after do not make much sense so I went with the neutral "I think we're done here" and now he's playing hell and wanting to leave because he says he can't back down. Back down from what? Agreeing that I said he was playing poorly?



Edited by ds_61_1
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Just leave it. Continue on as normal, he'll get over it. What I've found a lot this year is dropping a player has a better effect on their determination to do well (depending on personality type). Seen loads of examples where I have dropped a regular first team starter, and on their first game back, they've been excellent. This could be coincidence rather than by design, but I'd like to think it was implemented in game. 

As for your example, it's a bit silly how it happened (there was supposed to be more context added in interactions this year), but just move on. Drop him for a few games, bring him back and if he does well, shower him with praise, he'll get over it eventually. It's not that big of a deal, unless you're in the timeframe of offering a new contract, then it's a pain. 

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