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More control over build-up and goal kicks


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We should have more control over goal kicks and how we build up from the back, seeing as it is such an important aspect of today's game. For those who like to play the ball long from goal kicks, perhaps choosing to have players bunched up on one side of the pitch for the goalkeeper to aim for, or those that like to play it shorter, being able to have a player invert early (e.g., an inverted wingback or libero) to play with a double pivot in the build-up, or having one player in the box with the goalkeeper (or have the center-backs split really wide, that kind of thing). I think we should also be able to choose the positioning of certain players, for example, having the wingers stay high and wide in the build-up to give the midfielders more space and stretch the opposition back line, having the midfield stay higher or lower to either stretch the opposition vertically or provide support for defenders when playing out. You could either have goal kicks become a set piece you can tinker with, or have the option to instruct roles like the IFB, IWB, and LIB to invert or step up early in the build-up phase, instead of when the ball has moved further up the field.

City is a great example of this as they use that 3-2 build-up structure to make playing out from the back easier, and it would be great to see this kind of thing implemented in football manager.


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