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  • SI Staff
2 hours ago, canthekarayel said:

My player roles resetting themselves every match. I tried save my game plan and load it before the match but this time it resetting in game. I have to load my save in game but sometime it tooks long time please help me

Can you explain exactly what you are doing, what device you are using and if possible supply us a save game with step by step instructions on how to replicate this (it'll ensure we can fix this as promptly as possible for you).

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  • SI Staff
5 hours ago, canthekarayel said:

Is there anything you can tell us that might help us reproduce your issue - ie. pages you use when setting things up, what your device and resolution is etc.

(as sometimes things only reproduce under certain conditions)

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8 hours ago, Johnxcoffey said:

The same thing happens to me.

I save my game plan, but when I upload it, the loan players playing on my team are always left out of my squad.

So I have to add loan players to my squad manually.

I added a screen record to make it more clear.

I'm not sure if this is the exact same issue as the OP hasn't suggested they have loan players. If they do, and as for your issue, this should be fixed in our next update.

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