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[Suggestion] Rebranding of Carrilero Role as Mezzala on Defend Duty


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The Carrilero role doesn't seem to be very popular in FM despite its potential and unique hard coded behaviour. I think the name and description of the role are part of the problem, btw I'm pretty sure carrilero really means 'full back' in spanish so not the best choice in first place imo. To me, this role should be a Mezzala on Defend duty which convenientely is not present in FM at the moment. Think of Mezzala/defend as a wide ball-winning midfielder in a midfield trio (Gennaro Gattuso in Milan's 4321 could be a good example).

Suggestion: rebrand Carrilero as Mezzala on defend duty. With a defend duty the Mezzala will protect lateral areas of the pitch and cover for attacking full backs, wingbacks and wide attackers as he 'shuttles' between the lines of the midfield to provide support where needed.

Edited by kandersson
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