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Synthetic pitches - visual and other differences

Lord Duffucus

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I've mentioned this elsewhere in the past but am curious to know whether there is any difference to ball physics etc when playing on a 3G pitch, just as there would be in real life. Indeed, do pitch types/conditions ever make a difference?

I'd also request again that grass patterns are removed from synthetic pitches, as used to be the case in FM versions in the past. They don't tend to have patterns on them in real life due to their nature and it helps immediately identify you're playing on one. Although maybe it makes no difference to anything whether you are or not!

The latter is a small thing but just adds to the realism etc. As for the physics side of things, I guess it may be hard to implement but worth considering if not already?

Just editing to say that I've now noted that the patterns are even on things like clay pitches, which shows they're just being applied to all surfaces no matter what they are, which is a bit weird and not how it used to be done. Hey ho...

Edited by Lord Duffucus
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