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Expanding Target System


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I'm loving the target system in the new FM, and I'd love to see more of it.  

Having it part of the contract process, and the criticize process is good.  But I think limiting it to that is restrictive for such a good system.  My thought was to replace the individual training with an enhanced target system.  Instead of saying "Work on your strength," you could set individual strength targets.  "Increase your bench by 10lbs in the next 2 months, and you'll get your playing time bumped up one notch." 

You could even implement reverse targets, like "If your 100 meter time drops by .1 seconds, your playing time gets bumped down one notch."  Generically you could just use the existing attribute system, rather than really specific targets (if you strength attribute increases by 1, you get extra playing time); but in my head cannon it's more specific.

How receptive they are to those targets, and how well they achieve them would obviously be affected by personality traits.  Competitive traits would feed off targets, while less competitive personalities wouldn't.

Obviously this is something you could just hand off to your coaches, but this would give you much greater control in the instances where you are trying to grow wonderkids, or keep older players playing just a little bit longer. 

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