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I need help with a league with splits (specifically point halving of a certain stage)


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Ok so, i think im at my mental limit with this edit, im really trying to make a league with a split after 33 rounds (Leagues made up of 12 teams, the splits would make a group with the upper 6 and then the lower 6) which would end up with a total of 38 games in a league season, and when the groups form the teams should have their points halved, my issue is that i can't seem to get it to work no matter what i do, ive tried copying straight from the belgian and scottish leagues that have a similar system but i end up running into one of 2 problems:

a) the file verifies correctly and i can play on it, league works perfectly, but when the split happens the points dont reduce themselves to half at any point, and it doesnt seem like its doing it behind the scenes or that im having a visual bug

b) the file doesnt verify properly because there isn't enough time before the season update day for the season to end, which i am certain should not be possible with the time i have given the league, specially because when it works theres several 2 week long or similar spaces without any games, so some options may be adding more games than needed somehow but i can't tell which ones are

so please if you have created anything similar to this i need your help, i am a newbie to advanced rules so im probably missing a small thing and not realizing, i would really appreciate the help (if you download the file the league with the split is the first division, the rest work fine and do not use this system)


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to add to this, here are 3 screenshots from holidaying, maybe they help, ill describe the images in order:

1) screenshot taken before the 33rd match (so right before the groups are established)
2) screenshot taken after the 33rd match (Split has happened)
3) screenshot from the 36th match, no point halving ever happened




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Update: i have achieved what i wanted to do, the point halving happens now, i just had to break everything apart and re do it apparently, my only issue now is that i would like to make it so the order in which teams qualify for the continental competitions comes from the two groups of 6, and not from the original league, since i cant add the points from the 6 team leagues because otherwise verifying it will tell me that teams "have played more than the max number of games in stage 0"

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